Mother: Mask
Mentored by Leopardclaw
Though on the surface Bloodkit seems to be a sweet and normal cub the others around her cannot shake the feeling that there is a disturbing darkness lurking inside of her. For now they do nothing to act on those feelings since Bloodkit has done nothing wrong, though only time will tell if there is such a darkness within her... and if she will act on that darkness.
As an apprentice Bloodpaw has developed a taste for fight and finds that she greatly enjoys the thrill of battle, much more than the other lionesses and even lions do. She tends to not hold back when fighting the way the other apprentices do an has at times gone too far while practice fighting with the other apprentices earning Bloodpaw her own set of scars before even becoming a warrior. When her training fights are taken too far the lionesses are never far away and try to intervene as quickly as possible. These occurrences leave her mentor, Leopardclaw, unsure of what to do about Bloodpaw. Unlike many of the other lionesses Leopardclaw is convinced that Bloodpaw is not a bad lioness, but just requires more careful guidance than the other apprentices, though she questions if she is the right lioness to try and guide Bloodpaw since Bloodpaw is her first apprentice. Bloodpaw has a strong dislike of the warrior Flamespots since she envies the lioness. Everyone in the clan seems to love Flamespots since the older lioness is always so friendly and easy to get along with, but at the same time so many of those lionesses can't stand to be around Bloodpaw. While Bloodpaw is grateful for the support of their king and queen, Eaglestar and Scorchwind, as well as their heir, Rowanheart, and her mentor, what Bloodpaw wants more than anything is to be accepted and trusted by the rest of the clan, the way they all seem to accept and trust one another.
As Bloodpath grew to become once of the pride's best hunters she and Flamespots continued to clash many times. Seeing the animosity that still existed between the two lionesses their queen, Scorchwind, decided to pair the two of them for hunting patrols. This forced the pair to work closely together and try to understand each other, otherwise they would catch no prey for their pride. As they hunted together the two learned a lot about the other, things the others didn't normally see about them. Eventually they came to understand and respect each other, and now together lead the pride's most skilled hunting team.