Belongs to 's Former Pride


"The Pride Guardian"

Lion Stats
3178 / 8910 (35%)
Level 10
Strength 109 Speed 103
Stamina 125 Smarts 107
Agility 115 Skill 31
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 590
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 7 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Wary (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father B a n d i t (Deceased) Mother * Namid (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Average View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Albino (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 3: Black Siamese (21%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Feline 3 Onyx (92%) Tier 2
Genetics Black Light Solid Common
Eyes Blue
Mane Type Regal
Mane Color White
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Event Scar: Protector
Scar: Front Leg Right
Scar: Muzzle
Scar: Short Right Eye
Bleeding Heart
Hollow Eyes
Scar: Back Scratch
Scar: Hip
Scar: Tail
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 71 Successful Hunts 71 Success Rate 100%

Yoki is as brutal as she seems.
As a cub , she was trained to be an assassin - She was dumped on babajidee's border and later picked up by Destoriox while on a patrol.
Eclair was in charge of the small aggressive cub . She never believed in hitting a cub for discipline and would often get swatted at by Yoki. As time passed and Eclair kept giving in to the cub , she began to realize there was no real reason to attack her. No one ever gave her a problem and most of the other cubs were scared of her . This upset her greatly and she decided to have a change of heart for the sake of her broodmother and guardian.

Now Yoki is only aggressive towards real threats , like humans and hyenas wandering too close to the prides youngsters. She was placed as the guardian of the pride, seeing as she put the pride members lives before her own.

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