Pyrite was one of the two first Bosses of the pride. Unlike Pyewacket, her interest in the position was born more from personal ambition than intellectualism. Self-interested, coarse and possessing an often cruel sense of humor, she was not particularly popular among most of her fellow lionesses, but her determination and keen eye for opportunity made her invaluable as a boss.
Sickly, scrawny, and born with poor eyesight, she wouldn't be considered by most lions to be anything but a useless nuisance to chase off. However, in the early days of the pride, she would nonetheless wormed her way into any task she could, eager to prove herself. Her mind for strategy and ability to pick out weaknesses in both prey and opponent eventually convinced the other lionesses to allow her to head hunting parties and take on an almost general-like position during skirmishes and territorial disputes.
She was never particularly interested in males, preferring the company of lionesses in more ways than one (both Pyewacket and Tape being rumored to be two of her closest 'friends'), but her desire to carry on her bloodline led her to tolerate them once or twice. Her daughter Marcasite was the reward for her efforts. Despite the cub's inborn anxiousness, Pyrite trained Marcasite to take over her role as a leader.
She was able to see the births of her two grand-daughters, Silica and Chalcedony, and was giddy to hear the news that the latter intended to carry on her tradition of leadership.
"Pyrite closes her eyes with nose up high when you praise her last bunny pouncing session. It was obviously amazing."
"You settle down to groom Pyrite, and she seems very pleased. At least she did. You accidentally slobbered a bit too much and she stalked off with a disgusted noise. Crap."