She tells of prophecy to come, and guilds the pride from the shy.
She faced many hardships within hr age, one tale that forever will be told in the pridelands of her home. from run away to protector, she faced tragedy and heartbreak, love and loss. here is her great sotry...
You lie out under the stars, paws in the air. Nightsgem came by to join you. You both have fun watching the lights and chatting about nothing in particular.
((thank you for this beautiful art <3 GuineaPigsGoWheek)
"in a land far and deep into Africa's wild heart was a pride of the most ferocious lions and lioness, great warriors and hunters, so much so that no pride ever sought to take land from them. born at the full moons embrace i, Nightgem, had entered this world like any other cub. i was never told of my mother, the pride refused to speak of her and every time i asked would only get a snarl or growl and was told i was lucky to be alive. An old caring retired warrior looked after me and fed me along with another younger cub who's mother had abandoned, saying she was too small and weak. she was the runt of her litter. the cub came to be known as Morningflames, as her prune pelt and other markings made her look like the dawn of every morning. I became a sister figure to this young and surprisingly modest cub. as we grew into adolescents we were set of to training. Morningflames was still a cub when she sent in as a training member, it made it hard for her but with a bit of encouragement from me and the old warrior, she would catch up. the king's son took a liking to me, and often we would hang around the small watering hole near by, Morningflames often near by or playing and training with the others. we'd often enjoy each others company so. one day he confessed his love for me, i was overjoyed but we vowed to keep it a secret till we were old enough. one night we sneaked out from the pride, by then we were young lions now. one thing eventually lead to another and i became pregnant with him cubs. the king hated this, how could his son fall for the plainest of all the lioness, the weakest and runt of the pride? Enraged with his son's request to make me princess, they fell into roaring battle that lasted a week. He found where we were hiding eventually, and took him by surprised, killing him before my very eyes. the pride eyes widen in shock when he brought back the body of his son, threatening that if any of his sons or daughters were to fall in love with a weak gened and unworthy lioness without permission to become mates would end up like his heir. you could only imagine the heartbreak i felt seeing his dead body dragged and torn like a rag doll by him. the pride, scared that if they associated themselves with me they'd be killed, shunned me from the pride unless we were hunting. i don't blame them no, id fear for my life too. only the old and dying warrior and Morningflames who stood by my side and knew my secret of the cubs yet to be born. one night, my glorious and last traces of my mate, i had given birth to two brothers. my little princes, so young and beautiful. Morningflame agreed to say their were her own and her mate's children, in fear that they'd too be killed if he ever found out. Morningflames mate was a strong lion but often sickly. he'd died from illness a week prior. but the king was no fool, and when the cubs became adolescents, they had been, 'mysteriously killed' while out training... my second heartbreak, and my final straw. the evidence was clear, as his sent was all over my dear sons, and wounds all over himself. i lashed out one day at the king, almost killed when the old warrior stepped in and told me to run, Morningflames following. we never saw her after that, but her fate was most certainly sealed to death. now lone and vonerable to attack, we roamed quietly into the Savannah, my laidback nature had turn to timid and scared. but i kept a strong facade around Morningflames, i had become a sister figure to her by now and the least i wanted to do was worry her. one morning while hunting, we ran into an adolescent, a beautiful lioness named tigerstarlette. she had told us that her pride had been whipped out from famine. alot of prides suffered these days. we agreed to let her eat with us, she was on the edge of death by the looks of her scrawny figure. soon we became her providers and eventually i a mother figure. i treated her like if she was my own, she was an extremely trusting lioness. i trained her like one of the warriors, teaching her to hunt and defend herself. we were only at the tender age of 9 by now, not as young but experienced. i often had dreams of my sons and mother figure. The dreams were oldly real, almost too real. it was then we ran into an old lion, a shaman. we took him in as well as began to teach us the arts of healing. he seem crazy to the others, as he looked like he talked to himself. When i told him of my dreams he told me they were no dreams, no i was talking to the spirits of the stars. i began to think that he was crazy as well. but when he died later that week of his old age, he too apeared in my dream, and continue to show me the arts of being a shaman. id of turn in my warrior days if it weren't for the fact i had to help supply my small family of lioness. Being a shaman was a dream to me, i was able to heal other instead of cause damage, i could talk with old loved ones and when id of passed away continue my teachings. It was the i felt the real pressures of being a healer. We had walked into a dream land of flowers, green grass, fresh waters and abundant prey. the land had to of the property of some powerful king, maybe perhaps even kind. i was still heasetant to join any pride, we had a few that offered homes. though the others could of left me for a pride easly, tigerstarlette and Morningflames refused to leave my side, i was a mother and a sister to them. things seem to finally seemed to look up when we had run into a dying, bleeding king named Duskfog. i tried desperately to heal him but it was far to late as the lost of blood and wounds proved too fatal to heal. In his last dying breaths he spoke of a bold son in his pride with a mane like lilac, and eyes as blue as the sky. His heir. it was then he faded into his endless sleep, and i blamed myself for failing to heal him. with a heavy heart i took his body back to his pride for them to mourn. my eyes fell apon the heir, a lion named Ghostclaw. he resembled my mate very much, same mane, same colors but lighter. his man was that of silk lilac, and his eyes as blue as the sky. Is this why he had not seen her mate in the stars? you would of think i would be over joyed but in reality, i was too heart broken to look him in the eyes, let alone speak. Morningflame was the one to speak to him and tell him of his fathers last wish. when hearing of how I tried so hard to heal their king, he asked if we'd join the pride. seeing the tired faces of my family, i agreed to. Ghost was a young lion but charming at best. He was extremely interested in the arts of healing, but when he came of age to be a king, he had a whole new responsibility and much to my dismay, could no longer practice the arts. he had became king of his pride, the pride of jeweled Horizon. we had grown close while we had our lessons, he reminded her of his mate so much it also hurt, but she continued to be a motherly figure. It was time for a queen,He had chosen morningflames, a smart choose as in her times in travel with me had become wise and strong. she was older than him for sure, but not too old like her. i watched as the young love sprouted from the two, at times i saw My mate and i with in them. that night i slept in peace knowing that i had my life back again. with joining the pride, i could finally fulfill my destiny of being a shaman, giving hope, love, and healing. i learned to let go of my past that kept me from happiness for so long. i was able to find love again, from another pride male. there was no need for secrets in my pride as Ghost encouraged lioness' to find mates from outside the pride as well. finally she bore a daughter, Sweetpelt, and a second years later, Redsun. when. i was now growing old and tired, as my daughters took over my practices of the pride now. in my final day on earth with my pride, i was surrounded by my family, Morningflames and tigerstarlette by my side, Ghostclaw by their side, and the new family pride all surrounding her. with my final breaths i said a thank you to my pride, letting out my last breath with the blessing of protection. now, i continue to teach from the lions of the stars, i can be with my mate and sons again. and soon enough one day, my pride will join me in the stars." she said finally the mist clearing around them.