Belongs to 's Former Pride

Filika [firey][461]

Lion Stats
264 / 5390 (4%)
Level 8
Strength 88 Speed 88
Stamina 106 Smarts 92
Agility 88 Skill 3
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 465
Lion Currents
Age 16 years old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Modest (Neutral)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Redemption[Firey][577] View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility High View All Cubs Bred (2)
Appearance Markings
Base Fiery (Burnt Skin) Slot 2: White Beard (17%) Tier 1
Slot 3: Onyx Paws (43%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Under White 1 (42%) Tier 0
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (44%) Tier 2
Slot 10: Vitiligo 3 (82%) Tier 2
Genetics Red Light Countershaded Rare
Eyes Pink
Mane Type Razor
Mane Color Brown
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 27 Successful Hunts 27 Success Rate 100%

! Filika olileanya "The flicker of hope"

This lioness even at a young age had a gift her gift was power her strength un matched and her cunning infallable if she had been male she would have been king...

5/18 she strolls to the monkey shop with blizzard blissfully unaware... as she gawks at the whares he hand the monkey some beetles and sits in front of filika smileing he pushes a cloth wraped stone tward her as she touches the lovly crystal she is surrounded by light as it fades she looks around bewildered then down at her own paws... they are larger... more powerful... she streaches soaking in her new strenght extending her claws into the dirt, it feels good... like she could take on the world alone and win unanimously. She looks at her claws and sees her king lean away slightly as she extends them she's nearly as large as he is... no one expected this not even resurection (her sister and the prides shawman and guide). She swipes out at a skull lyign on the ground and it shatters with little effort. "Come my dear we have a lot to do" blizzard says cautously unwilling to anger her

5/19 as filika enters her adult years she realizes she's much stronger than the other nearly as large as a male she wonders how this happened but accepts her power none the less. She's turning into the lead huntress due to her size even large prey don't stand much of a chance. She a marvolus tactition on top of every thing else ... she wishes she had been born male no enemy would have stood a chance

5/20. Filika is out hunting the best girls in the pride her first hunt was small prey but every other hunt us now large carcases wildabeast buffalo elephant calves... her next challenge? A giraffe... fully grown. This is her goal to specialize in bringing down giraffe the hardest animal to bring down and feed her pride.

5/22. Filika goes into her first heat signaling her body has finaly stoped growing. She's now only slightlt smaller than blizzard, he is afraid to approach her on the matter of cubs but as redemption coaxes him intotalking to her younger sister filika approaches him. To his utter amazement she pushes the issue incredibly hard, flirting and coaxing him untill he can't stand it any longer. They sneak off to see if he can sate her lust and produce his heir

5\23 filika is heavily pregnant but insists on hunting to the parties amazement she seems to be as athletic as ever takeing the extra weight in full swing useing it to her advantage. And to beat all she delivers in a flying leap the blow to bring dow a giraffe her shear weight draging it to the ground. This massive lioness has proven her prowess!

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