Belongs to 's Former Pride

Mistress Abaddon


Lion Stats
1336 / 15840 (8%)
Level 13
Strength 23 Speed 24
Stamina 27 Smarts 23
Agility 25 Skill 16
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 138
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 4 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Gentle (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Low View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Prune (Burnt Skin) Slot 1: Maroon Coat (67%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Black Back (31%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Under White 3 (59%) Tier 0
Slot 5: Dark Brown Smudge (66%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Black Panther (24%) Tier 2
Slot 8: White Beard (4%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Black Tips (16%) Tier 1
Genetics Red Dark Countershaded Rare
Eyes Grey
Mane Type Razor
Mane Color White
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 16 Successful Hunts 14 Success Rate 87%

Name: Abaddon
Pride: D'hara Pride
Rank: Mord-Sith/Sister of the Agiel

Mistress Abaddon is a Mord-Sith. Mord-Sith are personal body guards of Lord Rahl, they feel no emotion other than anger, hatred and pleasure. They are warriors in the D'hara Pride. Mord-Sith believe that it is their sole purpose in life and in death to serve the Lord Rahl unconditionally, and in every way; their devotion is unparalleled. Candidates to become Mord-Sith are selected from the gentlest and kindest girls in the D'Hara Pride, regardless of rank. The kindest girls always make the best Mord-Sith because they have furthest to fall. They are kidnapped along with their parents and trained(tortured) from a young age on three levels. Each time, she must be "broken." Mord-Sith torture and break captives and enemies, turning them into devoted "pets." The greatest danger to a Mord-Sith is a Confessor. Since a Mord-Sith's power comes from hate, the Confessor's power to amplify love is deadly to her. A Confessor's touch also causes a Mord-Sith several minutes' agonizing pain before killing her; during these minutes, the Mord-Sith would love the Confessor as an ordinary Confessed person would. A Mord-Sith's coat should be a reddish colour.


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