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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Prune (Burnt Skin) Slot 3: Onyx Back (55%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Onyx Paws (58%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Onyx Back Hair (48%) Tier 1
Slot 8: Tail Banding White (54%) Tier 1
Slot 9: Under White 3 (51%) Tier 0
Slot 10: White Hair Band (50%) Tier 1
Genetics Red Dark Countershaded Rare
Eyes Starshine
Mane Type Crested
Mane Color Onyx
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
[D] Great Fires Background

Lich Essence
You faintly remember hearing stories about this adolescent from your king as a cub. She claims to be immortal, and apparently has quite the attitude. Wanting to meet this so-called immortal, you walk up to the red lioness.
As you walk up to her, her blue-ish grey eyes lock on yours immediately.
"What do you want?" She snaps. Her voice certainly seems older than her body, and carries all the grief and wisdom of a lion much much older than her. You explain that you simply wanted to know if she really was immortal.
"Of course I am!" She growls, curling her tail up then slapping it onto the rock she was sunning on. "Everybody knows now, where have you been!"
You explain that you have not visited this pride often since the sickness. She rolls her eyes again.
"I see. I don't recall seeing you before either, no matter." She says dryly. "Anyhow, yes. I am immortal. I have seen many years go by, many seasons, and have watched many stories unfold and end." At the last part, the adolescent (you think you remember hearing her name was Ketri. Maybe Kestrel?) looks up at the blue sky.
You ask her what she's seen.
She seems surprised for an instant, and generally seems to regard you in a new light. As if you aren't a complete waste of her time.
"You wanna hear a story, huh? Fine. Curl up, because I've got some good ones." She shifts into a more upright position before continuing.

~First story~
The first time you ask for a story, Ketri seems surprised. She grudgingly pulls herself up to speak, and seems a little upset about doing so. She also seems rather wary of you.

Ketri studies you for a moment longer before speaking.
"When I first returned to this pride, a king named Alekanekelo ruled over the lionesses and lions in this part of the savannah. He was a kind and wise king, and loved by all. He was well known for the many creatures that he protected, the most uncommon of which being a Wild Dog and a horrible cross between a lion and a leopard. It was not a Leopon, but something else. A Lipard, the strange other half to the lion-leopard hybrids."
"His queen, Cloud Jumper, was very beautiful, but had the worst luck with cubs. Most were born too weak to live, or killed by another creature, despite the number of brood mothers watching them. Only one survived from the pair, a lioness named Alaya. Alaya was as kind and as beloved as her father, but this is not a story about Alaya."
"This story is about Alekankelo's adopted child, Little Flame."
"Little Flame came from a harsh pride. The ruling king sold or killed all cubs he deemed unworthy." At this point, Ketri's voice seems harsher, as if remembering something worse.
"The cubs who were killed were the lucky ones. The cubs who were sold were placed in a dusty den with the others, and watched over by lionesses just as cruel as the king. Fights often broke out between the cubs, and young cubs would be bullied out of their share of food by the stronger and older lions, but the lionesses did nothing to stop it."
"Every lion in the dusty den was as cold-hearted and malicious as a demon. All, except for Little Flame. Even in her youth, Little Flame was a small, sweet creature. Seeing this and the situation she was in, Alekanekelo quickly adopted the small cub and brought her into his family."
"She was as loved and cherished by the pride and her adoptive family as if she was a blood child of the royal pair. In her parents' hearts, she was. Little Flame went on to become a beacon of hope for the pride, and many lions in other prides as well. If such as strong, beautiful lioness came from such a horrible home, what would stop those that wanted to change from changing? Who was to say there wasn't hope left for them? For those who wanted to be better? Or for those who felt they were at the end of their line, with nothing left to live for?"
"Little Flame never let anyone feel like she had. Like a nobody. Something that was useless, absurd, someone who would never find love. She made everyone and everything around her feel wanted, feel loved. She truthfully made the world a better place." Ketri's voice was breathy, as if emotion was swelling in her chest and seeping through her voice. Her eyes were wide with adoration as she remembers the amazing lioness, and her eyes are trained on the heavens, as if searching for Little Flame's spirit.
Realizing her mistake of showing emotion, Ketri's eyes return to their normal judgmental squint, and she quickly thumps her tail against the stone again, turning her head to face away from you.
"That's all for now. Now go away and let me sleep." She growls.
You stand up and turn to leave. As you're leaving, you hear her murmur, "If you want to come back again, I may tell you another story." Well then. You just may have to do that.

~Second Story~
As you walk up to ask for a second story, Ketri opens one of her eyes to stare up at you. She seems a little expectant, but generally disinterested. When you request another story, Ketri gives you a small, wry, grin and sits up.

Ketri's grin is almost unnerving.
"You want another story? Alright. I told you a story about a great good last time, so this time, I will tell you of the greatest evil this pride has seen."
"She was a great beauty, and for a long time, her appearance was rivaled by none. But she had no desire or care for beauty, oh no. This lioness, Sunset Death, only cared for lethality."
"She roamed the savannahs with seemingly no heart to call her own. She wore the bones of her victims like armor. She was the best huntress this pride has ever seen, but also the cruelest lioness to roam these lands yet."
"We know not exactly what she wanted. Some say she wanted to bring death across the plains. Some say she wanted to take over the pride. Only her cubs knew what she wanted, for she trained them to assist her."
"In her lifetime, Sunset Death only had two cubs. She wasn't the most fertile lioness, you see. However, both were monsters. The eldest, however, changed her ways once her mother passed. This lioness has carried on into the afterlife now, which is why I'm telling you this story. I will not tell you her child's name, for a parent's deeds should not stick to a child. Some of your pride elders may know of her, however."
"Anyhow, the eldest was a strange cub. She seemed to have no mind of her own. She did as her mother told her to without arguing. As she grew, this changed, but it was still and unnerving sight."
"The youngest child was far worse."
"At first, we tried to tell ourselves she was simply a little...odd. But we knew the truth. This child, she was a demon."
"Gaping black holes where her eyes should have been. Bony horns that protruded from her skull. A heart that never beat. While it was rumored that Sunset Death herself was a halfling child of a demon and a murderer, this cub was far, far worse."
Ketri's eyes are wide and her fur is standing up along her spine.
You ask what happened to the cub.
"She didn't made it into adulthood. But she never died, oh no." Ketri's voice is barely above a whisper.
"During the season where evil spirits roam the lands, they took her. We only saw her twice after that, thank Apedemak. She had become one of them. A full blown demon, with no corporal body to limit her. Some say that they saw her in their dreams after that, but who could blame them? I sometimes still have nightmares about her."
"But, she is not the focus of this story."
"While whatever plans Sunset Death had failed, with her eldest leaving the path of evil and her youngest abandoning her, the evil lioness still tormented the pride."
"Actively attacked pride members. Sometimes, she would return with the mangled corpse of a lion, though none knew whose it was. Nobody could stop her. She was too strong. Most let her do what she would. She would die soon, right?"
"Sunset Death lived for sixteen years."
"She did not pass easily. She fought like the devil, gasping for breath and clawing everything around her. Nobody could get close enough to help. She died with fury in her eyes and a snarl on her lips."
Ketri's eyes are wide and distant.
"May she never return."
A sudden cold breeze makes you both shiver.
Ketri smiles tiredly up at you.
"I'll be sure to tell you a happier story next time you come." She offers.
You nod absently, promising to return for another story. As you're leaving, you swear you could hear Ketri murmur a farewell as she settled into sleep once more.

~Third Story~
As you approach, you notice Ketri is bringing a small Suni carcass back from the food pile. She offers to share with you, and you both sit down to eat. You two have a small conversation, mostly small talk, but Ketri throws in a couple rude comments about your mane just to make it clear she still doesn't like you. As you finish, she grins up at you.

"Well, did you come here for a reason? Other than to eat our food?" Ketri's voice is pointed but her eyes glimmer with good humor.
You sheepishly explain that you wanted to hear another story.
Ketri settles into a more comfortable position, exhaling a small puff of faintly blue breath. You decide not to ask about it.
"Let's see... I did promise a lighthearted story this time, didn't I? Hmm.. You do know that those types of stories are typically very boring?" Ketri raises one of her eyebrows at you.
You insist that you'd would still like to hear a happy story after last time.
Ketri rolls her eyes. "Fine. But you don't get to pick next time. Good? Good."
"Now, as for the story. This one is about one of the best Broodmothers this pride will ever see."
"A rather plain lioness, Sweet Grass was a pale gold color with a streak of rich gold running across her shoulders. But appearances are hardly ever anything in a story."
"Sweet Grass was the first broodmother that Alekanekelo assigned under his rule, and was by far the most useful. Do you remember me mentioning a lioness named Alaya while I told Little Flame's story?"
After a moment you nod, though you aren't entirely sure you do.
"Alaya was the only blood child of Alekaneklo and his queen, Cloud Jumper. The only one who survived, that is. Alaya went on to become the pride secretary, organizing hunting patrols and meetings with other kings. By doing so, she preventing multiple famines and wars, but this would not have been possible without Sweet Grass."
"As I explained before, no matter the number of broodmothers assigned to watch their cubs, the royal offspring during this time wound up dead more times than not. Hyenas, mostly, were the problem."
"Alaya was Alekanekelo's and Cloud Jumper's third cub, and they often watched her alongside the broodmothers when they broodmothers when they could. But this story takes place on one of the days where all but one lion was left to watch the young princess."
"The pride was small at this time. Alekanekelo and Cloud Jumper had gone to negotiate with a neighboring king, and the huntresses were out patrolling the savanna for prey, which left Sweet Grass alone to care for the cub."
"Those retched hyenas had apparently heard of the situation, and decided that this would be a perfect moment to attack the already small pride."
"They surrounded the small camp, trapping Sweet Grass and baby Alaya and guaranteeing their death."
"Or at least, that was what they had thought."
Ketri's voice takes on a grave note.
"Sweet Grass, though a kind and caring lioness, was determined if nothing else. She would not let her or Alaya die because some mangy scavengers decided it would be entertaining."
"She fought bravely and viciously, snarling like a demon and daring any hyena to try and get close to her. However, she did not do so without her own injuries, and by the time the hunting party returned, Sweet Grass had multiple wounds slashed across her body."
"With her pridesisters' help, Sweet Grass defeated the last of the hyenas and lived to see the changes that Alaya would bring to the pride. She guarded all of her cubs with the same ferocious protectiveness, and truly brought and end to the hyenas' blight in the lands. For as long as she lived, she never lost a cub on her watch if she could prevent it."
Ketri yawns.
"There. Happy story. Now, can you leave? You're blocking the sun." Ketri says, closing her eyes and resting her head on her paws.
You stand to leave, warm fuzzies filling your heart. Maybe you should go and see how some of your cubs are doing today.

~Fourth Story~
Ketri's pride was hosting a Rain Festival, a celebration of the rains finally returning to the drought-swept land. They likely hosted it to prove they were still strong despite the troubles of the drought and famine, however, but that doesn't mean you'll enjoy it any less. A party is a party, and you were hoping to work out peace treaties with visiting prides or score with an exotic lady. You spend time enjoying yourself at the party before you finally notice Ketri.
The red adolescent was surrounded by fermented Marula fruit, and was flanked by two adolescent males with tufty manes, who were attempting to chat the drunken lioness up. You decided not to intervene yet - Ketri could probably handle herself - but you kept watching.
As it turns out, Ketri tends to be more aggressive when drunk, and you soon had to step in before she killed one of the hopeful lads.
Ketri glares at you and takes a clumsy swipe at you, which you deftly dodge. The intoxicated lioness promptly falls into her pile of fermented fruit, growling a few choice words as well.

"Well. This is delightful." She tries to get back on her paws, but can't, either due to being totally wasted or the slick fruit residue on her paw pads. You quickly help her up, but she readings leaning on your shoulder.
"F***ing fleabeaten, slime slurping, no-mane, ball sniffing, little sh***s.." Ketri growls, glaring at the retreating males. She shakes her head. "Thought they had a chance. But I showed them! Sent them running to their dirt-faced mommas. Like geckos." You decide not to comment on that.
After a few more odd insults that you didn't quite catch, Ketri looks up at you.
"Well. How are ya likin' the party?" Ketri slurred. You said you were enjoying it just fine. Though, maybe you wouldn't eat as much fermented fruit as she did.
"Ya, I get that. Betchu couldn't handle 'em anyway." A few seconds of silence pass by.
"Y'know, I founded this clan. Wayyyy back when. Before your grandfather was born, probably." You ask about that, but you doubt she's being honest or has any idea what she's saying.
"Oh ya. Y'see. I used to, used to, I died in a fire, wayyy back when. Before your great great great grandfather was born. But, but then I, I...Y'see, the Lich King, he said, he says to me 'You were too beautiful. Go...go and live forever' And I dids that! For a looooong time." Ketri begins to slip off your shoulder, and you jump to catch her.
"And then, the fires were back again. They'd happened a lot since then, but this, this time it was important. Suuuper important. Y'see, there was a cub in the, in the....ah, crap...in the...damnit.....the...FIRE! There was a cub, in the uh...fire. So I saved it, I did. Named him Blishe. After my ma. And we went around for a while, traveling and kicking ass. But the lil' bugger wouldn't grow up. Realized it was because of the Lich Essence I breathe." As she says that, you notice shimmering blue clouds rolling out of Ketri's maw. Her eyes are glowing a much brighter blue, and her pupils are difficult to see. Is she...being serious?
You suggest that Ketri gets some rest, suddenly uncomfortable with where this was going. You weren't entirely sure you wanted her telling you things while she was drunk, even if they weren't true.
Thankfully, Ketri tiredly agrees, and promptly flops down in the dust to sleep. Right there. She snarls and swipes at you when you try to move her, and though you could probably move her regardless, it really isn't worth it.
You stay with Ketri until the festival is over, getting strange looks from her's and your pride alike. Ketri doesn't say much else, though, other than half-slurred insults to you. Soon, the party ends, and Ketri is already asleep. You leave her there, though you try to make her more comfortable, and go back with your pride.

You go back to check on her the next day. You find her on her sunning rock, her paws over head head.
You ask her how she's feeling. She groans some insult in response.
"Those...little.....kept givin' me more..." She shakes her head and looks up at you, her eyes much fuller than last night.
"Thanks for, uh...chasin' them away. Woulda done somethin' bad. Did I...say anything...weird....last night?" Ketri groans.
You tell her she just insulted you a lot.
"Heh....that's good. Erm...sorry...about that. I'll, uhhh, have a good story for you, next time you come and visit." Ketri let's her head fall back on the stone with a dull thump. She wraps her paws back around her head, groaning in pain. You bring her some water before you leave.

Art by the lovely and amazingly talented 🐯 R e e v e r 🐯 (##43576)

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