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Sorceress Crown of Rubies

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This lioness will come into heat in 7 days.
Lion Stats
10740 / 15840 (67%)
Level 13
Strength 122 Speed 114
Stamina 87 Smarts 87
Agility 89 Skill 51
Total Stats: 550
Lion Currents
Age 5 years, 10 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Proud (Good)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 29.487179487179%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father The Sentinel (Deceased) Mother Treasure of the Four Crowns View Full Heritage
Last Bred Never Fertility High View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Ochre (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 2: Fiery Undercover (73%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Silky Marozi (37%) Tier 1
Slot 7: White Lace (68%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Mahogany Paws (53%) Tier 1
Slot 9: Onyx Marozi (69%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Fiery Undershine (52%) Tier 3
Genetics Golden Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Green
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Infernal
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Dreamwalker Realm

Elephant Tusks Headwrap
Scar: Face
Scar: Hind Leg Left
Scar: White Eye Left
Three-Eyed Raven
Tusks Headwrap
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 159 Successful Hunts 159 Success Rate 100%

Crown of Rubies' cub name comes from her mother's name and her multiple crimson markings. Oneisha told of their legacy being their mother's greatest. For she bore four cubs and as her name was the Treasure of the Four Crowns this was an auspice birth. The king agreed. He named his cubs accordingly and wished them the Lady's safety while they dwelled in his lands.

So the cubs grew in the Storm Pride. They were a close litter and did everything together.

:Early Autumn (Five Months):
-Chasing Practice-
You praised Crown of Rubies for her quick pursuit of a hare, and she beamed with pleasure. +5% training experience!

Not long after her siblings and she were weaned, the Sentinel's Sun contracted rabies. He attempted to kill the foursome; however the litter joined together and fought him off. They didn't understand what was happening but were old enough to know to fight. It was only through their combined efforts that the four made it out alive. [Scar: Face]

:Six Months:
-Hunting Practice-
No one else in the pride can catch a bird out of the air like Crown of Rubies did during training. She makes absolutely sure everyone gets to know it, too. +3% training experience!

:Seven Months:
-Pouncing Practice-
No one else in the pride can catch a bird out of the air like Crown of Rubies did during training. She makes absolutely sure everyone gets to know it, too. +3% training experience!

:Early Autumn (Eight Months):
-Climbing Practice-
You offered to give climbing tips to Crown of Rubies, but she swiftly climbed a tree in front of you and smirked. Maybe YOU needed the tips? +5% training experience!

:Early Autumn (Nine Months):
-Stalking Practice-
Crown of Rubies managed to stalk right up to a nervous mother bird sitting on its nest. No one else had been able to do that! +5% training experience!

:Ten Months:
-Chasing Practice-
You praised Crown of Rubies for her quick pursuit of a hare, and she beamed with pleasure. +6% training experience!

:Mid Autumn (One Year, Nine Months):
As you walk into her sight, Crown of Rubies proudly gets up to strut in front of you, showing off her sleek fur.

:One Year, Ten Months:
Crown of Rubies awoke from a dream to find Sorcerer Sphinx in a vision. The fierce master of visions and twisted trances. He spoke to her, saying: "Bring me 10 rawhides for my ritual. You can obtain them by using your carcass as a rawhide source."

She searched for them and used food to create them. The sorcerer replied: "Thank you, Crown of Rubies. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3. The ancestors will grant you boons with the piety that you obtain from my quests."

:One Year, Eleven Months:
Her training continued. The Sorcerer gave her another quest: The Ancestors require the help of a mighty lion to prevent humans from desecrating their remains. Find them. Do what you want, just keep them away.

:Mid Autumn (Two Years, Three Months):
The Sorcerer Sphinx came to Crown of Rubies on this day. He said, "I need you to prepare an Ubulawu mixture for a spirit trance. Please gather 3 Ubhubhubhu and 3 Uqume. The spirits will reward you for your help."

She checked the pride's herb collection but found it lacking one of the herbs she needed. So she went away in search of Ubhubhubhu. When she found them on some trading branches, she brought them back to her master.

"Thank you, Crown of Rubies. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. Now, I require 10 Honeybush stems to put myself into a trance and guide the lost spirits."

The young lioness bowed to hear the new request. So, she went off and searched for the Honeybush. She went to the trading fields and offered Dream Root and other herbs in exchange for Honeybush. Finally, she obtained all that she needed for her spiritual quest. "Thank you, Crown of Rubies. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3.... now, finally on this day I need 10 units of Umganu to calm a restless ancestor. Seems like his bones were picked by hyenas."

After a long day spent at the trade fields and hunting through the territory for the Honeybush, Crown of Rubies was grateful to discover the pride's store of herbs had enough to complete her final quest of the day.

:Two Years, Five Months:
The Ancestors require the help of a mighty lion to prevent humans from desecrating their remains. Find them. Do what you want, just keep them away.

Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 3. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Mid Autumn (Two Years, Five Months):
-First Heat / Initiation-
The three sisters came into First Heat together. They were sequestered from the rest of the Storm Pride, sent out to the edges of the territory and the wilds to fast and learn. Their brother, now restored to them, went with them. The four siblings saw no one save their masters. Oneisha brought them water.

:Two Years, Seven Months:
I require 10 Honeybush stems to put myself into a trance and guide the lost spirits.

With some generous donations from the kindly King Romlin, Crown of Rubies was able to complete her quest. Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Two Years, Eight Months:
You have been given a new quest....

I need you to prepare an Ubulawu mixture for a spirit trance. Please gather 3 Ubhubhubhu and 3 Uqume. The spirits will reward you for your help.

Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Two Years, Nine Months:

I require 10 Honeybush stems to put myself into a trance and guide the lost spirits.

Thank you, The Sentinel. Your piety for the ancestors has risen by 2. If you haven't completed three chores today yet, you can help us again by taking another Quest.

:Two Years, Ten Months:
You have been given a new quest....

I require 10 Honeybush stems to put myself into a trance and guide the lost spirits.

:Three Years:
Though their training was far from over, the shamans moved on, leaving their students on their own for the time being. Oneisha determined Crown of Rubies and her siblings should rejoin the rest of the Storm Pride.

The king said, "The Grey Lady died this day."

The king joined his beloved Grey Lady, and Crown of Honor took over as the king.

Sorceress Crown of Rubies has gained a scar in her hunting endeavours!
+1x Scar: Hind Leg Left has been equipped to her.

Sorceress Crown of Rubies has gained a scar in her hunting endeavours!
+1x Scar: White Eye Left has been equipped to her.

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