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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 11 real life days.
Lion Stats
2017 / 2750 (73%)
Level 6
Strength 50 Speed 51
Stamina 56 Smarts 47
Agility 61 Skill 17
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 282
Lion Currents
Age 8 years, 4 months old
Sex Female
Pose Kind
Obedient (Kind)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 48.717948717949%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Salim (Deceased) Mother Kibali (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred 12 days ago Fertility Good (87%) View All Cubs Bred (3)
Appearance Markings
Base Auburn (Burnt Skin) Slot 1: Fiery Undercover (43%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Fiery Bottom (31%) Tier 3
Slot 5: Leg Banding Onyx (72%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (53%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Onyx Back Hair (63%) Tier 1
Slot 9: White Cobweb (36%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Vitiligo 6 (66%) Tier 2
Genetics Red Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Starshine
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Slate
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 19 Successful Hunts 19 Success Rate 100%

7/15/2017: You were just chillaxing when Kaisa came over with a mouthful of flowers. Awwww, cute. You don't mind how mashed up they got while the cub was walking.

11/26/2017: Happy to see you coming, Kaisa offers you her grooming services.

2/10/2018: Happy to see you coming, Kaisa offers you her grooming services.

3/17/2018: Running towards you, Kaisa greets you from afar and follows you for the next hour to learn from the best.

4/5/2018: Running towards you, Kaisa greets you from afar and follows you for the next hour to learn from the best.

5/8/2018: Running towards you, Kaisa greets you from afar and follows you for the next hour to learn from the best.

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