You approach a muscular young male who's been watching you carefully since you entered the cave. You bow your head respectfully and then introduce yourself. He nods politely and you look back at him, noticing that he has a nasty scar on his left eye, which also appears to be blind.
"A man did that to me," He states blandly, his voice is very deep and sounds almost like stones moving over each other, "my old pride hunted in their villages often. They developed a taste for the creature. Lanky. Nearly no meat on them, and too dangerous for the small amount of meat they provide." You nod, not sure if you're supposed to be afraid or appalled. You ask him if that's why he left.
"Ha!" he barks a mocking laugh, flashing the daggers he has for teeth, "you think I had a choice? Stranger, I was slower than the rest of my pride and left behind. One of man's snares hit my face, giving me my mark. I was left to navigate the savannah half blind and starving at under a year old. If it werent for that stupid monkey, I wouldn't be here today." You comment that he was very strong, and ask his name.
"General Kiburi, at your service, more or less," he chuckles, "I appreciate your admiration, stranger. When I was young, I was falsely ashamed of my scar. I now know that it is simply a visual part of my story." You apologize for not realizing he was so highly ranked.
"No need friend," Kiburi smiles gently, before shaking his mane in a mindless, yet intimidating manner, "I'm not King Rezon's son. His chosen heir, Moto, rejected the throne as he got older, and so it was offered to me. I rejected as well, seeing that a king should have both his eyes. That leaves Prince Askari as the heir. At least, until Queen Upenda bears a boy." You comment again that he seems very lax about the entire ordeal. Kiburi shrugs and lays down with his back facing you. You figure you struck a nerve, somehow, and continue on your way.
Adolescent Bio:
You come across an adolescent, light colored lion with a slight snarl on his face. He watches you, already irritated by your presence. You notice a long scar over his blind left eye and he emits a low growl when you look at it.
"What are you looking at?" he snaps. His voice is surprisingly husky for such a young lion. You state that you're just exploring the den. He scoffs.
"Yeah, well, I'm Kiburi, I hate visitors, and there is literally nothing to see here. Go away." You ask him why he's so angry.
"You know what?" he stands, fur puffed up and lips pulled back to expose his teeth, "I'd just rather be alone okay? Can you manage that? Can you just leave me alone?" You growl a little, warning him to back down. He does, but is looking past you while he smooths out and lays down. A quick look over your shoulder confirms your suspicion of King Rezon staring the two of you down from outside the den. You make some distance between yourself and the pissy adolescent before you get kicked out of the territory, or worse.
Name Pronunciation: ki buri
Nickname(s): Kiki (Kiwanza Only)
Birthday: 05/23/2017
Status: Captain of the Fahari Pride; highest power underneath the heir and king
Occupation: Captain of the Fahari throne.
Hobbies: Likes killing goats, cows, and any animal belonging to man if he can. Despises humans. Will gladly attack and kill tourists if they get too close. Otherwise, enjoys cuddling with Princess Kiwanza.
You approach Kiburi and he actually acknowledges you! He proceeds to tell you a story that you should be quite honored to hear. You wonder what you did to become worthy of his time. 4y9m
You were busy checking the borders of your lands. After making sure everything was safe, you heard from your other pride mates that Kiburi said he could check twice as fast! Riiiiiiiggghhht. 2y4m