Belongs to 's Former Pride


" | Elder"

Lion Stats
26345 / 28160 (93%)
Level 17
Strength 204 Speed 197
Stamina 161 Smarts 229
Agility 200 Skill 74
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 1065
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 10 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Graceful (Good)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Illium (Deceased) Mother Rasi (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Very Low (3%) View All Cubs Bred (4)
Appearance Markings
Base Chartreux (Black Skin) Slot 2: Onyx Siamese (29%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Feline 2 Onyx (11%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Feline 4 Onyx (55%) Tier 2
Slot 6: White Mist (45%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Lilac Lace (72%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Onyx Vitiligo (14%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Light Countershaded Rare
Eyes Starshine
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Slate
Mutation Primal
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Hyena Kingdom


Perished Wildebeest
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 252 Successful Hunts 252 Success Rate 100%

Tatu- Swahili for "third"

Born during the era of Angani the Meteor.

A cub born of a foreign father, with looks that had not been seen on this earth since eras past.

By the time Tatu was born, Shaded Stones had become more accustomed to seeing oddly muscular, long-fanged, thick-furred cubs cropping up among its litters. Both Za Kale and Haiko had proven themselves to be exceptional lionesses vital to the workings of the pride, and it was presumed that the newest cub of their ilk would also take on a similar role.

Tatu was instantly drawn to the hyena clan previously discovered by her pridesister Haiko. Cackling with mirth at having another lioness liaison, the great beasts were fascinated by this much better-tempered specimen. Seeing as both the Shaded Stones pride and the oversized hyena clan were female-dominated group hunters, there was much that both groups could discuss and learn from each other. Tatu assisted in pioneering and developing a multitude of novel hunting techniques, further bringing prosperity and fostering goodwill between the two groups.

"With a graceful lope, Tatu passes you as you inspect the pride. Her rhythmic pawsteps adding to her feline gracility."
"Swaying her hips gently, Tatu approaches you with a warm welcome."
"You watch Tatu run and jump with other pride members. Her fur shines as she dives into a tackle and comes up rolling. Man, you wish you could move like that."
"You playfully got into a tussle with Tatu, and although you were stronger than her, you still felt clumsy and big-footed compared to her light steps and dexterous pivots."

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