Your curiosity pushes you to investigate the small side cave, still glowing from within. You swallow and gather some courage before heading inside the chamber.
Once inside, you see a very peculiar looking lioness sitting perfectly still on a ledge surrounded by candles with her eyes closed. Her fur reminds you a log from the human's fires. Her belly, paws, and the backs of her legs are a beautiful cream color, sharply contrasting with her predominantly dark brown fur. Her back, shoulders, tail, ear backs and nose bridge are all a deep black color, creating a bold strip running along her top. You catch yourself staring, both entranced by beauty and wonder, as there is a kind of mystical energy about her. You decide to lay down beneath her step and wait for her to break whatever trance she is in.
After what seems like an hour, there is a sound like wind rushing by, but the air is perfectly still. The lioness sighs, "Mmoja simba uchawe", she half hums at you, opening her crystal blue eyes. You introduce yourself, asking her if she knows the common tongue.
"That I do, I am Kichawi, and it is pleasure to finally meet you." You ask her what she means, and she laughs. Her laugh sounds like the voices of a thousand lions from the past all ringing together for the sake of one voice, but you shake your head. It must just be the echo from the cave walls, you think to yourself.
"On the contrary," Kichawi purrs, "I commune with the whispers of the past to speak wisdom to King Rezon. What you heard was their shared joy!"
You stand frozen, realizing that this lioness just read your mind. You ask her how she did that.
"Oh I do many thing, friend. Your soul is old, perhaps there are the kings of your past that still linger within your whisper, hm?"
You're utterly freaked out by Kichawi but also extraordinarily intrigued. You tell her that you'd like to explore the Fahari pridelands some more before having your skull dug into by a stranger. She laughs again, quieter this time, but with that same strange echo.
"Of course, I forget that I know you but you many not know me. Go forth, explore, enjoy yourself! Mwingine simba itapanda."
What language is that? you wonder as you walk away.
"It's swahili!" Kichawi's voice rings after you, "It's an old shamans greeting!"
You nod over your shoulder, uttering a quick "Thanks" before hurriedly exiting the chamber to the rest of the cave.
Licking her private parts, Kichawi turns around a bit to show you exactly what she's cleaning. 7y3m
You greeted Kichawi in passing, but she seemed embarrassed to say hi. She seemed to be desperately hiding some brambles caught in her fur from you. 6y4m