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" Two heads "

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This cub is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.
Appearance Markings
Base Blazing (Red Skin) Slot 1: Dark Brown Wisp (83%) Tier 1
Slot 3: Ivory Lace (52%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Black Cheetah Royal (48%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Ivory Vesture (46%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Onyx Cheetah Royal (58%) Tier 3
Genetics Red Light Countershaded Special
Eyes Sunset
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Onyx
Mutation Two Heads
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
[Raffle] Knysna Lagoon
Your lioness notices her Cub is different to all the others. It has two mouths, two noses, and four eyes! She's scared for its life but the cub suckles milk from both mouths.

Born to Erryk and (anjeer) from a natural birth on October 25. Born with 679 stats.

To do:
- Skin: Plain
- Boost ivory lace
- Remove ivory vesture
- Boost both cheetahs

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