Belongs to Lunaris's Pride
(View Former Prides)


"Ethereal - 4 "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Ethereal (Sanguine Skin) Slot 2: Onyx Siamese (52%) Tier 3
Slot 5: Feline 4 Onyx (56%) Tier 2
Slot 6: Feline 6 Ebony (61%) Tier 5
Slot 8: Fiery Undershine (15%) Tier 3
Genetics Cream Light Countershaded Special
Eyes Brown
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Auburn
Mutation Achromia
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Cloudy Sunrise

Albino Feline Wings [Top]
Angelic Feathers
Angelic Growth [Back]
Angelic Growth [Front]
Ear Tufts [White]
Head Wings [White]
Heavenly Dust
Seraphim Veil
Common Raven [1]
Garland of Rebirth

Albino Feline Wings [Bottom]

As you walk up to Eliarie, she hunkers down a little, whispering back a greeting as she stares at you in awe.

You were napping, but some movement caught your attention. Eliarie was coming towards you with a gerbil snack, but then she stopped. Walked away. Came back. Now she looks like she wanted to bolt. You closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep still, and she finally delivered her gift to you.

You place the offering at your pridemember's resting place. It arises again and their decaying body turns into a moving, life-like vessel. How incredible it is to interact with them again!

As you approach the den, you notice Eliarie surrounded by pride members young and of old, her body is adorned in angelic looking growths and her fur seems to glow even brighter than that of when she was alive, you assume that is because of her newly created vessel. As you come closer, Eliarie peers at you, even though she is wearing a hood, her pale red eyes stare at you. Partly in shock and partly in curiosity. You tell your other pride members to give you two some space, reluctantly they do so and you peer back at her.

"Why did you bring me back?" Eliarie asked, her tone is hoarse and you wonder if she had trouble speaking in this new vessel. You smiled warmly and say "Eliarie, you didn't deserve to die and be forgotten about. I wanted to bring you back for moons now but it wasn't that simple before,"

"But why me? Why not Aine, why not my daughter Midna? Why not any one else?" She asked, her eyes were round with sadness and in a way, guilt.

"In your lifetime you raised so many cubs and young lions to be on the right path, you were always weaker than your peers but you did what you could to support your pride so when I found you dead that day.. I tried to save you I did but the jellyfish wasn't effective, you were already long gone, already dead.."

"That was like a life time ago..," she confessed, she peered out onto the cliff and peered down at her territory " It's so different here. There's so many new lions and my kin has long since passed yet, your lions came to me, they complimented me and spoke to me like I was a long lost friend."

"I told them about you," Lunaris confessed "everyone knows of the good deeds you did. How many of your peers you healed and saved from blight, I just wish I could have done the same to you,"

"That wasn't your fault; I-It was my time to die," The lioness replied after a brief moment before weakly stepping forewards and running her muzzle against her king's side. " I'm just glad to see you again.. its been years, centuries even.. and yet every time you come back to life.. you're still you,"

"Of course.. I'm still that foolish king who didn't pay you much heed.." Lunaris growled, however Ellarie didn't step away. In case she seemed to get closer "No, you needn't short sell yourself. We all learn from experience and we all learn from our mistakes,"

Lunaris sighed a short sigh of relief and brought their muzzle down Ellarie's shoulder. A warmth you've never felt before filled your chest and after a short moment you silently whisper "Thank you,"

The spirits of the ancestors bless you with perfect fur!
Your lion sneezes! Must be a case of an itchy nose and paw pads. Better take a look at it! The new skin color is Sanguine!

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