Belongs to 's Pride
(View Former Prides)

♂ Prince Azrael ♔

"O| Primal 📓📖"

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Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 361 Speed 320
Stamina 347 Smarts 349
Agility 362 Skill 188
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 1927
Lion Currents
Age 13 years, 7 months old
Sex Male
Pose Default
Even-Tempered (Neutral)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 89.102564102564%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Glacial (Deceased) Mother Ezira (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Bronze (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 1: Under Silky 4 (57%) Tier 0
Slot 2: Ice Glaze (53%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Blue Lace (56%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Leg Spotting Strong Onyx (72%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Heather Ends (46%) Tier 1
Genetics Red Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Crimson
Mane Type Scarce
Mane Color Hematite
Mutation Primal
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Hip
Scar: Shoulder
Smitten Primal Kitten
Scar: Cheek
Clay Rocks
Ball Python
Parson's Chameleon
Meller's Chameleon
Lifetime Patrolling Results
Total Patrols 910 Total Stats Gained 1618 Total Items Gained 457

>♂ Prince Azrael ♔ invites you for a friendly wrestling session. You win, but he is a good sport about it.
>You sparred with ♂ Prince Azrael ♔ and gained +270 EXP!
♂ Prince Azrael ♔ has gained a scar from some over-zealous tussling - whoops!
+1x Scar: Cheek has been equipped to him.
>♂ Prince Azrael ♔ successfully brought something back! He brought back a(n) Smitten Primal Kitten! +1 strength
>You sparred with ♂ Prince Azrael ♔ and gained +319 EXP!
♂ Prince Azrael ♔ has gained a scar from some over-zealous tussling - whoops!
+1x Scar: Hip has been equipped to him.
>When you greet each other, ♂ Prince Azrael ♔ exchanges with you a few interesting stories about his last trip to the waterhole.
>♂ Prince Azrael ♔ invites you for a friendly wrestling session. You win, but he is a good sport about it.
>♂ Prince Azrael ♔☣ perks up when you approach and shows you his latest scar on the side. Cool, cool.


Azra for short.

Gentle giant, calculating, patient, intelligent, calm, cunning, holds a grudge, fair and caring to those he thinks are deserving of it.



Handpicked by King Ntoni for his robust build and potential of what it could be used for, Azra was originally 'adopted', forcefully taken from his original pride along with his mother in order to be raised to be the next king. Rigorous training, lots of attention, tough love and accompanying his 'father' wherever he ventured was part of the cub's daily routine.

However, the King quickly found his heir to be too soft... The young cub wasn't interested in the same kind of bloodshed or destruction as his mentor and father figure. Instead, Azra was more interested in exploring the pride's territory, the nature and other wildlife surrounding them and quietly sitting in the background, finding out as much as he could about his environment in order to use it in future encounters. He wasn't interested in being in the spotlight, preferring staying to the shadows - a position from which he could have all of the perks and benefits he wanted, without the danger, responsibilities and huge target on his head being King would include... But the older lion took his input and helpful suggestions as disobedience and reluctance.

Not one to waste his time on something he thought was a lost cause, and mistaking the prince's quiet nature for weakness, King Ntoni swiftly sought out another heir to replace the 'failure' he'd once invested so much in, laying his eyes on a small, whimpering Felis cub born into his pride in the Primal's place. As soon as the new heir and his mother had been brought into the Court's cave, Azra was thrown aside. Mistreated by his King, he was now merely paraded around because of his mutation and the extra flare the King thought it added to his pride. He felt no better than one of those lions the humans keep locked up, imprisoned and displayed in too small enclosures with only the sense of false freedom...

Up until this point, Azrael had always been a sweet and caring cub, although he'd do what's needed and stay out of situations that didn't benefit himself, either in the long run or immediately. That changed when he was tossed aside and he began to hold a grudge against the new heir and their patriarch, despite how the younger cub was being taken advantage of just as much as him. For the first time in his life, Azra started losing his temper, regularly. He was forbidden from leaving the main territory unless he was accompanied by one of the King's sub males, and it was always in order to train and aid the new heir.

Because their 'father' thought he had his complete obedience, he never once even considered the bronze furred adolescent to be a threat to his new brother. He wouldn't dare hurt his future King, would he? While Azra himself even thought this to be true, he one day found himself almost doing something he'd never thought himself capable of...

It was a peaceful morning during the rain period, the grass and foliage green with the abundance of water, the rivers overflowing and with prey aplenty. Junior, a sub male in the pride, brought the two princes out for training, teaching them how to patrol the territory and read the many signs in their surroundings to best decide which action to take. Everything was calm and usual until the stampede. Unfortunately, their pride weren't the only ones to take advantage of the large supply of prey, and a herd of wildebeests came hurdling towards them from a river, forcing them through a small valley where the young lions were separated from their protector.

In the chaos, the older of the two had a chance to leave his brother for dead where he was stranded on a rock, amid the panicked wildebeests... However, he surprised even himself when he decided instead to help him. The two had grown closer than he'd thought, and the idea of the trembling little Felis cub dying actually scared him. After all, it was he who'd been his only source of comfort after his own mother was slain by their King.

Upon realizing the one he'd mistakenly placed all his grudges against might actually be the sole lion in their pride who genuinely cared for him, he carefully but hurriedly observed the herd's movements and patterns in order to find a gap in which he could slip through, picking the crying cub up by the soft scruff of his neck and leaping to safety. His brother clung to him, trembling, the entire way home and they returned to Junior being punished by their King for losing them. When the rest of the pride realized they were back, mostly unharmed, the lionesses quickly swarmed the Prince and brought him away to care for him while the had-been-heir was left alone in the dust without as much as a thank you or any sort of appreciation from anyone but Rose, a sweet but quiet broodmother who helped lick his small wounds clean and made sure he was fed and dry before returning to her cubs.

Later that night when he was trying to sleep after the long day they'd all been through, Azra found himself being cuddled up to a comparatively tiny Felis Prince who purred into his thick fur, content besides his brother. Pretending he didn't notice, the older prince just let him snuggle up to him, making sure he was kept warm enough once the younger fell asleep against him.

Azrael came to be the one the Prince was the closest to, and that became even more true once he was old enough to be completely independent and he was abruptly and swiftly ripped from his mother, and the other caretakers, as she was tossed into the cave where the rest of the pride resided. The had-been-heir used this to his advantage, planting little seeds of doubt about their King in the cub's developing brain, slowly shaping his mind and growing closer through their constant contact.

Once he was old enough, the King, completely unaware of his eldest son patiently plotting his downfall in the background, let him out on patrols of his own so that he may bring the now adolescent Prince with him with the intention of him guiding and teaching the younger lion. It was during these times they bonded the most, Azra teaching his younger brother about how not everything in the world needs to be mindless, brute force violence, sharing and interest in small reptilians and critters, plants and other things their King-father would most likely disapprove of... They also begin to talk openly about their distaste for their so called 'father', and Azrael's plan to overthrow their father is revealed.

With his brother as the King, front and center of the pride, leading them as a unit and a family, united and at peace within their own pride and any advantageous allies, but tearing down anyone against standing against them... and Azrael himself as the hidden mastermind and adviser by his side, there's no end to where their pride can go, in the males' own minds. They're all for the... less-than-kind approach to things, but the mindlessness behind their current King's actions is something they wish to change. If they treat their pride justly, but sternly, they'll have the support and strength to grow not only in numbers, but in power...

Azra stays up, far into the nights, confiding in each other and planning for their pride's future... Once his brother's second birthday comes and he'll be strong enough to challenge the current King, they'll make their move. To ensure his brother's success, the bronze pelted Primal slowly poisons their 'father' with the carefully extracted toxins from frogs and snakes, planting it in his food and gradually weakening him to make the rest of their pride believe its old age, or him simply turning weak... The reason for this isn't because he lacks confidence in the Felis, but to get the rest of their family lose theirs for King Ntoni.

He plants the seeds of doubt and mistrust aimed at the tyrant among their pride, stashing away secret funds and rallying support from outside to grow their pride once their new King is titled. He'll stop at nothing to put his brother into power and improve the conditions, not only for himself, but for their pride as a whole.



Ezira's Primal Bean ♥

The first Primal I've ever had on either of my two accs. Not gorgeous, but he's the first ♥

Bred within the first or second week I played Lioden on my PrinceBlaine #132596 acc.


Notes from Antysocial #132491

Merry Christmas/Eve, yeobo! ♥

Given to PrincessSkyla on 2017-12-25


Given back as a New Years present on 2017-12-30 XD



[x] Background: Burrows (Was gifted it by yeobo ♥)

[ ] Decoration 2: Tropical Cliff (Branches/trading center probably, or try to get it from Whack A Snake)
[x] Decoration 6: Clay Rocks
[x] Decoration 7: Ball Python
[ ] Decoration 8: Curious Horned Viper (?? Maybe. Branches/trading center probably)
[x] Decoration 9: Parson's Chameleon
[x] Decoration 10: Meller's Chameleon


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