Belongs to 's Former Pride

Queen Eonfade

" The Second Queen "

Lion Stats
32185 / 35640 (90%)
Level 19
Strength 115 Speed 113
Stamina 120 Smarts 164
Agility 139 Skill 80
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 731
Lion Currents
Age 16 years old
Sex Female
Pose Kind
Gentle (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Odthin (Deceased) Mother Darkheart (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Very Low View All Cubs Bred (2)
Appearance Markings
Base Flint (Black Skin) Slot 1: White Shimmer (72%) Tier 0
Slot 2: Brown Tail (46%) Tier 0
Slot 3: Brown Face (51%) Tier 0
Slot 4: Ice Crackle (59%) Tier 3
Slot 5: Scoria Brindle (49%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Classic Half Front (66%) Tier 0
Slot 7: Coral Marbled Unders (46%) Tier 1
Slot 8: White Socks (70%) Tier 1
Slot 9: Onyx Paws (42%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Blazing Unders (82%) Tier 3
Slot 11: Bloodbourne Vitiligo (33%) Tier 3
Slot 12: Onyx Cheetah Royal (21%) Tier 3
Slot 14: White Facial 2 (1%) Tier 1
Slot 15: Onyx Smudge (10%) Tier 1
Genetics Black Medium Solid Rare
Eyes Yellow
Mane Type Tufted
Mane Color Demonic
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Empyrean Future

Body Paint: Ethereal Touch
Big Cat Bodywear: Jaguar
Scar: Belly Scratch
Scar: Hip
Scar: Short Left Eye
Rabbit Fluff Collar
Big Cat Headwear: Jaguar
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 387 Successful Hunts 363 Success Rate 93%

Crowned on February 2nd, 2018. Sunset- Gen 4- 1st litter.

February 7th, 2018:
Personality changed from Brutal (Evil) to Gentle (Kind) via Sangoma Ancestral Mask. Able to witness the New World Order's beginning in all its glory.

September 8th, 2018:
Scarred her left eye during a hunting accident where she was kicked in the stomach by a zebra. She landed in a tree, and scraped her eye on a branch while turning to look at the rest of her hunting party. Also, Eonfade’s name wasn’t changed due to being the queen. This is now a tradition.

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