Hey baby girl, happy Anniversary! Im so beyond thankful for you and everything you do for me. It may not seem like it at times, but trust me I wouldn't have anybody else. You're my world, my rock, and my safe place. You truly make my world and I cant wait to see what the next year brings us. Hopefully, we'll be closer to our goals and maybe even achieve them, isnt that cool? And I want you there for everything, i want to show you how good I drive, I want to show you how big my muscles get on T, Or how Im out getting a job. Maybe I beat that difficult boss in that video game lol. No matter what, I want you there for it and I want to be there for every achievement you make. You're going to be key holder soon and that is really exciting, you're doing great. Don't doubt yourself or what you can do, because you can make leaps and you're starting too. Keep your head held high, be your own person, tell anybody you dont like to shove it, and go towards your goals No. Matter. What. And I'll do my best to do the same! Anyway, I tried finding the best Primal Lioness I could find since I know you're collecting. She was the best, and you know what? She isnt half bad. I did change up her eyes, give her a marking and a little TLC. Now she's pretty good looking. It's my gift to you for all the wonderful things you do, this virtual lion means a lot even though she doesn't seem like much right now. I want you to make beautiful cubs with her and every time you look at her I want you to remember how much I love and look up to you. And when she gets old, I want you to give her a Jellyfish, so she doesn't die. So my love never dies for you, and she's there even when it doesn't feel like it. I love you so much baby girl, You're my Bunny, My Diamond, My Girl. That will never change no matter how tough things get. happy anniversary, I really hope you like your present. <3333 04/09/18