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{Fifth Helper} Favian

"{The Wise One}"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Ruddy (Red Skin) Slot 1: Onyx Vitiligo (41%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Under Cream 3 (83%) Tier 0
Slot 8: White Underfur (47%) Tier 1
Genetics Red Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Green
Mane Type Wavy
Mane Color Hallowed
Mutation Blind
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Vanishing Giants

Radio Tracking Collar
Turquoise Dwarf Gecko
You see {Fifth Helper} Favian puff up and strut in front of the lionesses, confident of his dashing looks. You feel slightly annoyed.
Favian name meaning- man of wisdom

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