Belongs to NoctisCaelum's Pride
(View Former Prides)


" Leopon "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Penumbra (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 1: White Underfur (100%) Tier 1
Slot 2: Silver Undercover (100%) Tier 1
Slot 5: Silver Feline Unders (100%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Slot 9: White Inverted Cheetah (100%) Tier 1

This lion has 2 markings hidden on the following slots:
12, 15
Genetics Black Dark Countershaded Special
Eyes Midnight
Mane Type Hellraiser
Mane Color Demonic
Mutation Leopon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Wild Waterhole

King Genet
Lab Test Frog
Stargazer's GarbCustom Decor

Pompom Tree
Feral is mostly the one who keeps the likes of Angelus and Angel in check, he is the first to greet a lot of new comers in to the pride but is often the one at the for front of the chaos being coursed by them.

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