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" Dwarf Prince "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Chatoyant (Tan Skin) Slot 1: Brown Cowl (100%) Tier 0
Slot 2: Chocolate Back (100%) Tier 1
Slot 4: White Blaze (100%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Nimravus White (100%) Tier 6
Genetics Golden Dark Solid Special
Eyes White
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Onyx
Mutation Dwarfism
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Snowy Mountain Top
Total Stats: 1,326
- 248 Strength
- 240 Speed
- 251 Stamina
- 282 Smarts
- 201 Agility
- 104 Skill

Male Cub
Chivalrous (Good) Personality
435 Birth Stats

Born on April 21st, 2018
Bred within pride
Mother: https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?id=794115932359
Father: https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?mid=113207
6th Generation Dwarf

Pecan Base --> Chatoyant Base (Chatoyant Enamel - 3 GB)
2 Marking Applicators (3 GB each - 6 GB total)
- Slot 1: Brown Cowl (100%)
- Slot 2: Chocolate Back (100%)
2 Marking Opacity Changers (1,800 SB each - 3,600 SB total)
- Slot 4: White Blaze (53% --> 100%)
- Slot 8: Nimravus White (51% --> 100%)

Memory Used: 657.82 KB - Queries: 19 - Query Time: 0.00474 - Total Time: 0.00904s