Hello. I.. I couldn't leave without saying goodbye. It's been a wonderful month full of killing and maiming and.. finally getting to the bottom of the fluffball plot. I couldn't have done it without you.
I know I said we could never work out, but.. maybe we could?
This lion is on a cooldown and cannot be traded, transferred or chased off until 2:34am!
Leopard Orchid used
She was gonna slap!
Total Stats: 60
3 years old
You have successfully sent a stud request to this user. You'll be refunded if they reject your request.
Amiable King Kratos
Hmm, let me see. Ah yes, this lioness is pregnant with 1 cub. Thank you for your.. beetles.
You find +++WENET The Wise 10M 60st XX carefully watching the ducks in the water. You ask her what she's doing. She tells you that she hunts the best if she knows the behavior of her prey. Smart...but couldn't she take a break? It's been hours!
Change mane from Crested:
Your lion's mane turned into Hellraiser Mane! View Lion
Pure affection! So snuggly! View Lion
It swoops right above your lions! The Decor Item is now attached to lion and gone from the hoard. View Lion
+++WENET The Wise 10M 222st #1 approaches you with a detailed report on the pride's whereabouts the night before.
Total Stats: 302
4 years, 11 months old
Success! This female lion is now pregnant after 2 unsuccessful attempts. Yay!
The male lion lost 15% energy from the breeding.
You should build a nest for her asap! You can build a nest for her here.
Hmm, let me see. Ah yes, this lioness is pregnant with 2 cubs. Thank you for your.. beetles.
Success! This female lion is now pregnant after 1 unsuccessful attempts. Yay!
The male lion lost 10% energy from the breeding.
You should build a nest for her asap! You can build a nest for her here.
When you come to say hello, +++WENET The Wise 10M 588st #1 runs to you, making sure you look your best today with a few licks on your cheek.
Average (40%) (30% boost)
You have successfully sent a stud request to this user. You'll be refunded if they reject your request.
Anakin Skywalker, Warrior
Hmm, let me see. Ah yes, this lioness is pregnant with 1 cub. Thank you for your.. beetles.
The lioness munches the berries. + 10 There are no more uses left for this item! View Lion
Very Low (30%) (20% boost)
Success! This female lion is now pregnant after 4 unsuccessful attempts. Yay!
The male lion lost 5% energy from the breeding.
You should build a nest for her asap! You can build a nest for her here.
Hmm, let me see. Ah yes, this lioness is pregnant with 4 cubs. Thank you for your.. beetles.
December during explore:
Upon a snowy hill, you spot Wenet the Wise building a snuhfluffball sculpture! You watch her progress intently. The bunny begins to look creepier and creepier over time, until Wenet starts to.. eat it. The whole thing. Wow. That girl is not right in the head.