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The Traveler

"For my HAILEY GIRL <3"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Chatoyant (Coral Skin) Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) Tier 5
Genetics Golden Dark Solid Special
Eyes Ice
Mane Type Sideburn
Mane Color White
Mutation Leopon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Charred Lands

Lab Test Frog
Stargazer's GarbCustom Decor
Feel free to rename ;)

Fauns name: Leopard in the Tree

Aaahhhhh I wasn’t expecting this aaaaaaaaaa

I’m gonna try and get a pon from you *^* and if I do it’s going to FAUN

My name for the pon: The Traveler

She just appeared one day. No other lions had seen where she had come or what time she had settled among them until she was suddenly there. All were mystified by her stories from another land and another pride while still others were charmed by her appearance. It was obvious in her parentage that she was a hybrid. The older lionesses hid smiles and knowing winks for they too had been charmed by their local Leopard. The Younger Lionesses either grew envious of her lithe frame of infatuated by The Tavelers friendly nature. Meanwhile the cubs were more direct in their line of questioning and openess (as cubs usually are) and demanded stories from the Leoponess about her journeys and numerous families she had joined and started. The Traveler took all insults well and complements with grace, charmed all those who begrudged her. She flirted openly with Ben II or Ben the Kind as his pride was apt to call him. Maybe she would pass on some of her grace into Bens family... who could say- but one fact was certain. The Traveler wouldn’t stay long.

The Traveler plopped down next to you, asking about her dad. Not this discussion again...

The Traveler sits with another lioness, carefully cleaning dirt out of her fur.
You find The Traveler just as she made a great hunting pounce. You praise her and she positively glows. Warm fuzzies all around!

Child : Travelers Tree and Travelers Paw and Special Snowflake

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