Belongs to 's Pride
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Light Feather

" Clouded "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Maroon (Pink Skin) Slot 1: Chatoyant Margay (100%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Bloodbourne Vitiligo (9%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Nimravus White (44%) Tier 6
Genetics Red Light Countershaded Rare
Eyes Paradise
Mane Type Savage
Mane Color Demonic
Mutation Piebald (Clouded)
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Sunrise Over the Lake

Claws of Bast [Jeweled]
Gilded Feather Crown
Lapis Ornaments
Royal Cloak
Celestial Wings - Sunset [Top]
Winged Sandals

Celestial Wings - Sunset [Bottom]

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