Belongs to ✴️ Jarl Ranulfr 's Pride
(View Former Prides)

☪️ ᛋurayya [ᚠ]

"ᛙ_2f "

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This lioness is in heat and will be for 1 more day.
Lion Stats
2855 / 3960 (72%)
Level 7
Strength 20 Speed 13
Stamina 13 Smarts 21
Agility 19 Skill 21
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 107
Lion Currents
Age 5 years, 6 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Needy (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 26.923076923077%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Jarl FredBear (Deceased) Mother *Queen Wenet 10M (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Very Low View All Cubs Bred (2)
Appearance Markings
Base Titanium (Gray Skin) Slot 2: Coral Underfur (58%) Tier 1
Slot 3: Cream Belly (68%) Tier 0
Slot 4: Coral Half (43%) Tier 1
Slot 5: Onyx Carving (53%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Onyx Cozy (40%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Copal Coat (28%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Onyx Ear Backs (53%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Onyx Brindle (75%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Onyx Patch (45%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Dark Solid Common
Eyes Blue
Mane Type Crested
Mane Color Caramel
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Beaten Up
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 25 Successful Hunts 22 Success Rate 88%

Cub Lessons
- Stalk: 6 pts.
Cub CuddleBear constantly looked back at you, asking for approval on her stalking technique.
- Chase: 6 Pts.
Cub CuddleBear saw a butterfly and needed you to talk her through how to catch it.
- Pounce: 3 pts.
Cub CuddleBear wouldn't leave her mom alone and began to use her tail as pouncing practice.
- Climb: 4 pts.
Cub CuddleBear squeaked at you every 5 seconds for you to see how far up the tree she was.
- Wrestle: 0 pts.
Instead of wanting to wrestle with their pridemate, Cub CuddleBear played with your tail.
*_ Wrestle: 0 pts.
Instead of wanting to wrestle with their pridemate, X. Cub CuddleBear played with your tail.

Total: 19 pts.
Teen Training
Stats: 66
TB: 21%
11 moon Stats/Skills: 72/13
Hunt Trial



July 5th, 2018
1 yr
I woke one morning to sounds, voices. They were drawing near to where i was, i soon heard my mother and Father talking.
"She's too weak yer Grace...Penatal failed to kill her...She's not of the tribe and i doubt any good she can do...I'll kill her myself since ye just came back from patrol."

I was wide awake now and sat up, i realized thatt he beast i saw last moon one night wasn't my imagination after all...That things was real and now i was more scared for what my own mother said. I was too weak? not of the tribe and that i'd i a sense, never amount to much of anything. Yeah i know i didn't do well on my final lessons and that my Survival rate was low but i lived to my first yr. erm, barely but still i'm alive...

Mom came in and i looked at her, she stopped dead in her tracks and i asked.

"Why am i not ment of the tribe? What does that mean? Why do you feel shame for me mother? What have i dnoe wrong?"

"...Yer too weak...ye wren't ment to live yet Penatal spare yer life, why i don' kno' but i do kno that yer not going to be 'er any longer....Yer RP is low, yer too clingy..you-I cannot have a weak daughter. Yes ye lived te yer first yr but by Pen's grace. Perhapes as a way to pay fer the late renewal but still...I doubt you'd fill in any role and worth so i plan te take yer life while yer still young and pure. Forgive me but we now live where only the strongest survive and te best Bloodlines Thrive. Yer not it my love..."

I could tell mom didn't want o do this but she felt she had no choice but i know I did so i did whati knew i had to do right then. I tackled my mother and we fought til i managed to break away and run. I just ran, not once looking back ad made it outside of the tribe walls.
No one stopped me nor gave chase maybe it was shock or maybe they thought i wouldn't make it anyway.

I didn't stop running til i slipped and fell in a stream far from my birth tribe. I didn't sop crying til my tears no longer came and i passed out under a nearby tree on the other side of the stream.

July 6th, 2018
1.1 yr

She awoke some days after find herself in a cave of sorts. She jumped up, moentarly freaing out but realized she wasn't back home, She also realized that her tribe wouldn't bring her back alive. She calmed down as she sat back down and breathed a sigh of relief til she heard a voice speak to her.

"Yer awake eh? Been asleep fer a few days i was getting worried...."
She looked to where she heard the voice in shock and saw a Starshined eyed Obsidian with a silver-white blaze marking. She held a motherly, kind expression. CuddleBear realized that the female wasn't a danger and relaxed again.
"..I-i'm CuddleBear, W-where am i Miss...?"

The female smiled and as she came closer she answered,
"Countess NightStar...And you were brought into My tribe...Welcome young one."
--1 moon later---

Well, A moon passed and i found it peaceful here. This Tribe is quite Some ways from my old Tribe. I Alredy told NightStar everything that happened to me and why i was alone. She's allowed me to stay to become one of her tribe if i liked. So here i am, Being taught various lessons.
I learned already that NightStar Stared LoneStar as she was merely passing through, found a peaceful, vacant place to stay and never left.
My turn for Training so gotta go.

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