Belongs to 's Former Pride

Biwako [Choc]

"The Solemn"

Lion Stats
111594 / 134750 (82%)
Level 36
Strength 429 Speed 431
Stamina 367 Smarts 389
Agility 457 Skill 347
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 2420
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 3 months old
Sex Female
Pose Evil
Secretive (Evil)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Visinari (Deceased) Mother Fadiya [Brz] View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Low View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Chocolate (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 2: Mahogany Crust (22%) Tier 1
Slot 5: Under Cream 3 (43%) Tier 0
Slot 7: Cloudburst Web (43%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Nacre Lace (58%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Sidereal Glaze (86%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Under White 4 (87%) Tier 0

This lion has 1 marking hidden on the following slot:
Genetics Red Dark Solid Common
Eyes Sunglow
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Infernal
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Beaten Up
Scar: Belly Scratch
Scar: Front Leg Right
Scar: Hind Leg Right
Scar: Hip
Scar: Long Left Eye
Scar: Nose Scratch
Scar: Shoulder
Scar: Side
Scar: White Eye Left
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 1551 Successful Hunts 1535 Success Rate 98%

Biwako, inhabitant of Kofe Halte and Njururi Pride
Daughter of Fadiya and Visinari
Sister to Sangre and Araceli
Advisor and sister to King Kakashi
Mother to Faraja, Marka, Jira, and Senketsu
Romantically involved with Visnja
Born under the sign of Pisces

sypnosis ] An alert and assertive lioness. Biwako is very suspicious of others and likes to ensure that her life remains private. She doesn't enjoy being asked too many questions and enjoys frequent alone time. She is very sympathetic and humanitarian however and believes in helping any that are in dire need of assistance.

Fadiya [mother] [relation; Her nosy and strict mother. Biwako is very secretive and deceiving of her mother but she has a good reason for it. Fadiya pries too much for her own good and tends to be judgemental of Biwako's relationships and decisions. While the two conflict on how Biwako's life is led, she admires her mother's will and integrity. Biwako often takes inspiration from her mother and does, every now and then, listen to her motherly advice.]

Araceli, Sangre [sisters] [relation: Araceli, her older sister. A tranquil lioness who is very grounded, a little too much at times as she can be cynical and downcast. This gets Biwako concerned, even though Araceli just speaks in such a way. Biwako's soft heart for her big sister often lifts Araceli's spirits though. Sangre is the more mouthy and harsh of the sister. A brutally honest girl who is oblivious to the weight of her words, Biwako's little heart is sometimes crushed by how unintentionally scathing Sangre can be. However, Sangre is just as emotional and tends to cry on Biwako's shoulder.]

Kakashi [brother] [relation: Her brother and future king of Njururi. Kakashi is unmotivated and lazy, so Biwako acts as his motivator and general pep talker. As his advisor-in-training, Biwako often spends time around her brother, speaking about the pride and his future reign. She is aware that he is still a little immature and a little too playful, but Biwako enjoys her brother's humor and finds him to be the most positive person in life. She helps her brother guide through life while entrusting her secrets to him.]

Peony Blush II [friend] [relation: The wife of her brother. The two share a good friendship and Biwako trusts Blush as the next queen. Blush is very independent and strong and believes that's what makes an excellent queen. Biwako often finds herself talking with Blush about gossip and other childlike topics when they aren't so focused on Njururi. The two are often seen talking leisurely or grooming each other.]

Vanslau, Nasatya [friends] [relation: The king and queen of Njururi Pride. Biwako is respectful to the two and is generally amiable to them. However. she doesn't find herself spending too much time with the pair. However. she is still very cordial and loyal to the pair despite not being too close to them.]

Visnja [partner] [relation; Visnja, dweller of Aklaku and niece of the queen. Visnja's silent nature allured the advisor and she finds comfort in how reliable and listening Visnja is. Biwako deeply trusts Visnja and feels secure when around her, seldom as she is always anxious and worrisome. The advisor is very loving towards Visnja and is proud she raised her daughters with her. Biwako is very busy as her brother's advisor, but always manages to find time to sneak off and rendezvous with Visnja.]

Faraja, Jira, Marka [daughters] [relation; Her first litter of girls. Despite Marka and Jira not residing within the pride, she tries to maintain contact with them. The only daughter who still lives at home is Faraja. Close to her little girls, Biwako is very protective of them and always ensures they're not getting involved with the wrong people or making bad decisions. She is very doting of them and is grateful that they matured her into the lioness she is today.]

Trophey, Cosmo [friends] [relation; Visnja's parents. Biwako is very amiable with them and often finds herself having pleasant conversations with them or lounging around with them and Visnja.]

Katlego, Signe, Sahara Blush [nieces] [relation; The daughters of Kakashi and Blush. Biwako is very loving to her nieces and watches over them like they're her own. They remind of her of her own trio of daughters, who are now grown and independent. Katlego is the more fierce of the trio and Biwako finds herself spending the most time with this particular niece. She is friendly to Signe, the more patient and gentle sister, and doting upon the youngest, Sahara.]

Vaara [niece] [relation; Biwako's tall, fearsome niece. Her ferocity makes Katlego's a mere shadow. A vicious and cunning lioness, Biwako is perturbed by this niece and tries to not stick around her for long. Vaara's intense and passionate nature makes Biwako wary and while she has voiced this to her king brother, it's upon deaf ears. While bothered by this primal niece, Vaara still holds a place within Biwako's heart and the advisor attempts to be a voice of reason and logic to the heated lioness.]

Queen Karura, Lady Omega [superiors] [relation; the fellow residing queens of the pride. Biwako acts as their advisors as well. Karura is silent and mysterious, which Biwako doesn't really mind as she's secretive herself but their interactions are limited due to Karura's lack of interest to engage. Omega, on the other hand, is very lively and talkative. A confident beauty, Omega is always pushing Biwako to join her in waterhole dipping or bug hunting, which Biwako usually declines. She respects and admires the two however and serves them loyally.]

Kritika [granddaughter] [relation; Her granddaughter by Faraja. As Biwako grows more weary and older, her granddaughter, Kritika, is always present to help Biwako. The advisor named her granddaughter and holds a special bond to Kritika. Biwako spends time increasingly with his granddaughter as Faraja is usually busy hunting or scouting for the pride.]

Senketsu [daughter] [relation; Her youngest and last daughter. Senketsu reminds Biwako much herself, not only in appearance but in personality as well. Senketsu is domineering and driven, unlike her mother, but is very private and protective of her personal life, much like her mother. Along with Kritika, Senketsu takes care of Biwako as she grows older and in fact, runs to Aklaku whenever her mother isn't able to fulfill her duties. The two spend a lot of time together, especially since Senketsu has no real desire in hunting or nursing.]

Gasira, Isota [friends] [relation; Her fire-pelted friends. The two often introduce Biwako to Aklaku when she arrives to deliver news or reports to Yamato, overseer of Aklaku. Whenever Biwako has free time, she travels to Aklaku to spend time with Gasira and Isota, however the two are busy with nursing and hunting so oftentimes, Biwako isn't able to see them. She's close to them however and they give her a nice break from her family in Kofe Halte.]

Ino [disliked] [relation; Ino, one of Mrinal's daughters. Biwako wasn't fond of Mrinal for her detached and vain personality, so when Ino appeared to be a carbon copy of her late mother, she wasn't pleased. She tries to avoid the lioness for the sake of her sanity.]

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