Belongs to 's Former Pride


" Daughter of Adetola"

Lion Stats
23480 / 35640 (65%)
Level 19
Strength 7 Speed 7
Stamina 9 Smarts 9
Agility 5 Skill 14
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 51
Lion Currents
Age 16 years old
Sex Female
Pose Kind
Calm (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Adetola (Deceased) Mother Ifedayo View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Very Low (49%) View All Cubs Bred (2)
Appearance Markings
Base Brimstone (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 1: Royal Tail Carving (91%) Tier 1
Slot 2: Scoria Brindle (100%) Tier 1
Slot 3: Red Bottom Smooth (41%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Gold Cheetah Soft (100%) Tier 1
Slot 5: Under White 7 (46%) Tier 0
Slot 6: Royal Inverted Cheetah (100%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Locust Inverted Quagga (100%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Brimstone Ghost Feralis (100%) Tier 3
Genetics Red Medium Countershaded Special
Eyes Cucumber
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Rosy Brown
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Acacus Mountains

Sand Gerbil
Aura of Heavenly Wings
Fancy Mouse [Fawn Dutch Standard]
Fluffy Cheeks [Cream]
Lesser Egyptian Jerboa
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 4 Successful Hunts 4 Success Rate 100%

Event Log:

+Blessed by the Lion Gods above, Sauda has been given Royal Tail Carving Marking on 07/23/18
+Blessed by the Lion Gods above, Sauda has been given Red Bottom Smooth Marking on 07/24/18
-Uh oh! It seems while Daddy Adetola was visiting his mentor, King Drakka, of a neighboring pride--Sauda came along as well for Ambassador Training. However, it seems young Sauda had a bit of a rendezvous with King Drakka and is expecting her first cub(s) as of 07/27/18!
-Sauda grieves and remains in the cave dwelling with her sisters over the loss of her only child and son who has vanished or been killed. She will need some time to herself as of 08/11/18...
+Blessed by the Lion Gods above, Sauda has been given Scoria Brindle Marking, Gold Cheetah Soft Marking, and Royal Inverted Cheetah Marking on 08/14/18
+For all the tears shed in her pain, a gentle touch of oasis water has splashed onto Sauda's eyes to turn them a permanent Cucumber color as of 08/14/18
-With the mixture of drought and bloodshed about, rogue males have been wandering in and out of her father's desert lands. Sauda had gone off to catch a quick drink at the nearest source of water while hunting, only to encounter a rogue Tsavo at the beginning stages of her heat--getting into a confrontation with the Man-Killer who wouldn't take "NO" for an answer. Luckily, the eldest princess was saved by a childhood friend--King Jiioni--who all but squashed the arrogant bastard into the ground. (Oh my...Did everything just get warmer?) It seems after a soft-hearted and sweet conversation, the pair seemed to have playfully wandered off like overgrown cubs once again. However, the Princess has been all twitterpated and particularly happy as of lately. Many suspect her little rendezvous(s) with King Jiioni now are having an effect--perhaps the new swell in her belly has added to it as well as of 08/19/18
-After finding the moment applicable enough, now with the Savage Rogues gone from her father's lands, Princess Sauda has seen it safe enough to travel across the borders. With her son, Prince Abayomi, at a good age to traverse without worry--she and the cub have traveled into her mate's lands to introduce the growing cub to his father, King Jiioni. However, upon searching for the massive male--Sauda was mortified to find her mate in a wounded heap! For now, she has left her son in the care of one of King Jiioni's pride lionesses--not wanting her son to see his father looking like a lifeless mass of tattered fur and muscle as of 09/4/18
+In a sudden swarm of locust, Sauda is momentarily swamped by the plague of insects upon her legs--trying hurriedly to remove the pests! As they suddenly depart from having landed on her, her limbs suddenly tingle with a reddening tint into an array of Inverted Locust Quagga Marking hues as of 09/13/18
-While having remained in Jiioni's pride for months, Sauda has steadily helped in what she can with healing her badly damaged mate--sticking to his side for the most part. Luckily, their son was has been happily adjusting to his father's pride and staying close to his Grandma Shepherd but the princess has noticed Abayomi wandering off more and more to play with the a male cub around his age. She supposes she grateful for the distractions, though, having come into heat and perhaps helping in accelerate King Jiioni's healing process after a few private sessions with her mate. Now the lioness is content to see the giant's wounds having healed better as she grooms his mane, laying close with a new largely noticeable swell in her stomach as of 09/15/2018
-The following weeks have settled into a disturbing mess, worry and anxiety plaguing Sauda despite her contentment in being with both her mate and her three children. The main stem of her concerns, however, had settled around her eldest child--Prince Abayomi seemingly withholding things from her and King Jioni beyond his recent bought of sleepless nights and intervals of aggression. Admittedly, she had felt her own paranoia while wandering off on her own--her instincts on end and her maternal protection on fire in keeping her children safe. Still, her mate has made to keep her distracted and trying to ease her own fears--especially with the their latest child growing in the lioness's belly as of 10/08/18
+With such darkness about, Sauda has felt the burning touch of Hellfire lick at her frame--a burning sensation rushing over to mar her coat with faint striations of glowing Brimstone Ghost Feralis Marking on 10/27/18

Name: Sauda (meaning 'Dark and Beautiful' in Swahili)
Species: Panthera Leo Bleyenberghi (Katanga Lion) -- Aubade Titaness
Personality: Sauda inherited a kindly deposition from her father, though she is perhaps much softer than him--taking quite a lot in order to truly anger. For this, she is seen as level-headed and likable to most lions she meets outside of her pride and within. She adores in particular raising and helping in cub rearing, teaching younger siblings or brought in cubs as best as she can. Nevertheless, despite the outward duties she handles with a smile--Sauda is terribly low in confidence due to her dark appearance in her opinion. While she reasons that looks are far from something to be concerned with, she can't help but wonder if her darkness makes her less appealing to others as opposed to the paler or flashier marked lionesses of her pride.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Head!Canon Human Form: Amanda Du Pont

Pride: Ṣe Lati Lyanrin Pride (meaning 'Made From Sand' in Yoruba)
Rank: Firstborn Princess
Mate/Betrothed: Jiioni (Sauda is Exclusively bred to Jiioni only--should you want a cub from her--it will be through what she produces with her mate.)
Current Remaining Children in Pride: Prince Abayomi, Prince Kamau, Princess Zola, Princess Olabisi
Pet(s): Ziwadi (Fancy Mouse: Fawn Dutch Standard), Akiki (Sand Gerbil), Gamba (Lesser Egyptian Jerboa)

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