Son of Ochi the Shopkeep.
Grandson of Usafi.
Big brother of Pluvia.
5th Gen.
Spyros was only named once it was sure that he was destined to lead the pride one day. He is uncertain; his young, cheerful mother is thrilled she will see her son grow..! His grandmother adores him but doesn't worry him with the fact that she won't see him fledge into the king she knows he can be.
After finding her mother had peacefully passed away in her sleep one morning, Dio heard his mother let out a small, mournful roar. She doesn't know how to feel sad, and she turns to her adolescent son for comfort. He stays with her all day, forgoing his training, and won't let anyone pull him away, quietly and politely stating to anyone who asks to bugger off.
She soon turns her mind to her mother's shop, and Diospyros helps her focus on business and focus on new ideas, earning the renewed attention of Isokan, the king.
He worries as Spyros is in no way related to him, meaning he will have to suggest to his daughters, maybe, to start taking an interest in the young Primal and be the future queen and ruler; after all, the ruler must be related to the first king. Spyros knows full well that he will be the guardian of the pride, not the one in charge. The youngster is more than happy with this arrangement, but doesn't want to insult the king by saying he doesn't really fancy any of his daughters.
Ochi roars with laughter at this and says that the king had better start making more daughters for her boy, then! Spyros gives her an embarrassed smile and turns his head away thoughtfully.
Now he is fully grown, and holds himself with quiet confidence and brooding indifference. He isn't really bothered about the birth of a princess who is one day to be his queen, and therefore validate his reign; the thought makes him uncomfortable, and he instead focuses his mind on how he will arrange the pride once he leads alongside her.
Isokan encourages her to spend time with Diospyros on his patrols too, although she is not sure why. She doesn't mind his company but thinks he is a bit boring, so often plays games and pranks on him, much to his chagrin. He hasn't much of a sense of humour and can be rather awkward - however, as she matures into adolescence, she finds this endearing, not boring!
Diospyros crassiflora, commonly known as Gabon ebony, African ebony, West African ebony, and Benin ebony, is a species of lowland-rainforest tree in the family Ebenaceae that is endemic to Western Africa.
Change mane type.
Add Kimanjano Mottled Vents.
Changed eye colour - Peridot.
Changed Mane colour from Lilac.
Replaced White Beard with Royal Sideburns and upped to 100%.
Upped slots 9 + 10 to 100%.
Changed personality to Stoic.
Added locust mark.