Reginald: Aaaaagh! Teddy, I-I can’t see!
Rotting Lion Corpse in the Tree/Teddy: Neither can I! Rrraaaahhhhh!
Little Reginald was just bumping along in the trees, the soft, spongey earth of the bog made it hard for him to feel around to find his way, like he normally did. He bumped into an odd smelling lion, sitting, he blinked his milky white eyes, “um, sorry. I, um, can’t see.” There was a strange creeping noise as the other lion’s voice came. It was raspy and harsh, maybe he needed a drink? The rotting lion corpse became animated as he rasped out his response, “That’s ok, neither can I!” Reginald’s jaw dropped, “Really? You’re just like me! My name’s Reginald, but you can call me Reggi.” The corpse stuck in the tree tried to nod, “I am...Ted...?” It seemed his memories weren’t all intact. The cub giggled, “Teddy, you’re my best friend!”
This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. The cub would visit Ted daily and chatter too him, learning the way by memory. This kept the corpse from being bored and lonely. Every now and then, hunger would gnaw his gut and he’d think about taking a nibble from his young, deliciously living companion, but it was fleeting. However, any other living beast so unlucky as to get close, well, they weren’t the trusting and unafraid cub. Perhaps if he ever got loose from this tree, Ted would wander with Reginald and protect him, by devouring anything in their path!