A short ways up from the opening to the main pride cave you see a second cave opening. Unlike the main cave, which featured with two interlocking maple trees merging together at the top of the entrance, adorned with carvings and decorations, this second cave heavily contrasted the first. Large skull and bone pillars could be seen at the entrance, elephant, hyena even lion skulls gave the second cave an even more imposing appearance. Just about the only similarity between this second cave and the main cave were that they both boasted intricate carvings, however even the carvings on the second cave were deeper and rougher than the first.
Padding up to the cave you notice a horned lion gnawing intensely on a bone just outside the entrance accompanied by an Adjule. Upon inspection of the lioness she seems to be significantly larger up close than she appeared from farther away, in fact, she is the largest lioness you have ever seen. Her bulky muscles and tendons move and tense underneath her skin as she tears away at the bone with her sharp comically oversized teeth. Clearly she has abnormalities that have given her exceptional strength.
"This area's closed to outsiders" she barks, not caring to look up from her meal but her tense muscles and low growl clearly state her readiness to confront you if necessary. Her companion also giving you a warning snarl. "Apologies I didn't mean to disrupt anything, I'm just passing through the area" You counter, not willing to take any chances with a confrontation of this formidable lioness.
As you start to back off the way you came a voice calls from within the cave "Wait!" and with that a younger smaller lioness comes bounding out. You can see she has the same primal abnormality as the horned lioness. "Don't you know who that is aunty?". The larger lioness stares flicking her tail impatiently, waiting for her to answer her own question. "Only Pariah's best friend in the whole world, he's an honoured guest at tonights feast!" a twinkle of mischief glints in the young lioness' eye and she gestures at you to play along. You concede to join in with the deception "Uh huh I've come to uh-" "--inspect the grounds" the young lioness cuts in, grinning wide with her larger canines. "Alright I'll bite" the horned lioness replied in a cool tone, although she gives you both a stern look, shrugs slightly and returns to her bone.
"Keep an eye on him Savannah" she calls as you and
Savannah walk hurriedly into the cave "Will do Catori!" she calls back giving you a cheeky grin, you begin to wonder what you might have just gotten yourself into.
Continue with Savannah?