I am Zah-paru, former mate to Lakovos and Queen of the Ahn'raa pridelands.
I was born to Amunet the Neith, Mother of Daughters, renowned for raising the finest lionesses this side of the savannah. Though I became a huntress, I've always lived life with my head in the clouds. When Lakovos chose me to be his queen, both I and Queen Inpyrrha, his sister and the former ruling lioness, were shocked. I barely knew him, yet he wanted me at his side. Lakovos was not known for his kindness, and being his queen often meant dealing with his unpredictable disposition. He treated me fairly, but the way he treated the rest of our pride deeply hurt me. I had little to no say, however, and I was scared: so I did what I was told.
When a strange cub adopted into the pride came of age, she alone decided that his reign was over. The rest of the lions who had challenged Lakovos found themselves silenced quickly: whether that meant banishment or an early grave was debatable. The lioness, Seti, rallied those who were willing to fight for the future of their pride, and Lakovos, near the end of his years, was defeated. He spent the rest of his years blinded and dependent on the Hathor. His loyalist children quickly scattered. Without a leader, and I having no desire to be the sole ruler of the pride, the Amen-ra begged Seti to become queen. She accepted, although hesitantly, and she was named Shibalba, "the end of fright." I wasn't expecting her to take me as her queen consort, as I was twice her age, but now we rule the Amen-ra pridelands along with Shibalba's mate, Queen Bathsheba.