Hawaiian for "heavens"
January 23, 2019: Base changed from Dusty to Divine
Passed away on July 31
A snarky beauty, Kalani joined the pride as a teenager. She never quite grew out of her rebellious phase. Though admired by many lions and lionesses alike for her good looks, her beauty belies her reputation as a fearsome huntress. She is a reliable leader and never afraid to dig in and go the extra mile to take down prey. Her attitude sometimes rubs party members the wrong way; more than once she's been known to sneak in and make the final blow after other hunters have already subdued the prey. Some have accused her of doing this to take credit for the kill. She just shrugs and slinks away, head held high. Many times, she returns home with her party, prey, and a new scar or two. Whether showing off or not, her strong leadership is never questioned.
As a mother, Kalani also takes great pride in her offspring, lovingly raising them until they are old enough to join other prides and encouraging them to take part in daily training. On the occasion that her daughters become old enough to hunt, she is sure to take them with her, giving special attention to their training while on the hunt. The pressure can be a bit overwhelming, as her expectations for her own children are higher than others. She also helps her daughter Kayin raise her grandchildren to be fine, well-mannered lions. Kayin is Kalani's pride and joy, being piebald and having been one of her firstborn cubs. As a new mother, Kalani was particularly concerned for Kayin's survival, worried her coloring might attract predators more easily than her siblings.
You greeted Kalani in passing, but she seemed embarrassed to say hi. She seemed to be desperately hiding some brambles caught in her fur from you.
Kalani closes her eyes with nose up high when you praise her last bunny pouncing session. It was obviously amazing.
You settle down to groom Kalani, and she seems very pleased. At least she did. You accidentally slobbered a bit too much and she stalked off with a disgusted noise. Crap.
Special cubs:
Champagne: 2
Slate: 4
Elysian: 1
Piebald (Daedal): 1
Piebald (Withered): 1