Greystorm’s parents are unknown, as she was given to MysticPride after being claimed by Ex-King Ashbringer (owned by User #86473). She is a Dusty lioness with White Skin and Yellow eyes. Her coat consists of Bone Belly and Leg Stripes. Greystorm is a Distant lioness and prefers to watch the Pride by herself from afar. She was given to MysticPride on January 8, 2019.
The day she was brought to MysticPride, she was assigned as a Huntress. On January 13, 2019, Ex-King Redstar gave her a Giant Pouched Rat as a companion. On January 16, 2019, Redstar gave her a Starving Puppy. On January 22, 2019, Greystorm was there when Redstar decided to retire. She supports his decision and eagerly awaits to see how Moltenstar will rule.
On March 24, 2019, she was bred to Moltenstar and gave birth to four cubs on the same day after being given an Instant Birth Feather, though she decided against keeping any of the cubs. On May 25, 2019, she was bred to Moltenstar and gave birth to two cubs on May 28, 2019. She decided to keep both cubs, naming them Flowercub and Rottencub.
On June 13, 2019, she was assigned as Russetpaw’s mentor. On June 20, 2019, she was bred to Moltenstar and gave birth to two cubs on the same day after being given an Instant Birth Feather, though she decided against keeping them. On June 25, 2019, her first apprentice, Russetpaw, became a full Huntress, earning the name Russetfur.
On June 29, 2019, she retired from being a Huntress. On July 3, 2019, she was there when Moltenstar decided to retire. Greystorm approves of her choice in Heir and awaits to see how Coalstar will rule. On July 15, 2019, she passed away at the age of 15 years and 4 months old.
> You woke up and found a little bird snack waiting in front of your nose. Greystorm is resting nearby, with a little smile on her face. (4 years and 2 months old)
> You approached Greystorm to groom her, but she just sort of stared at you. She then shuffled awkwardly a bit before going to lay down in her usual spot. (7 years and 3 months old)
> You woke up and found a little bird snack waiting in front of your nose. Greystorm is resting nearby, with a little smile on her face. (11 years and 6 months old)
> Greystorm is standing quietly and watching the clouds move over the lands. For some reason this makes your heart skip a beat. (12 years and 7 months old)
> Greystorm is standing quietly and watching the clouds move over the lands. For some reason this makes your heart skip a beat. (13 years and 6 months old)
> Greystorm watches you approach and sighs a little. She licks her paw and pretends to ignore you. (13 years and 8 months old)