This is my attempt at creating a calico lioness, in memory of my beloved calico named Nezumi, who was a lioness in her own right. She was gentle and kind yet protective of her family. Some cats rule with an iron paw, she ruled with a velvet glove. She lived a happy thirteen years with me. I miss her smile.
The shadow cat is her friend and adoptive father, Orion, who passed from the mortal realm several years ago. They are together now.
(one year later)
Or.... are they? Strange to say, a little calico kitten came to us... she has Nezumi's smile, she understands many of the same words at 10 weeks of age, she has most of her mannerisms, and she has fine, bouncy strong legs instead of weak ones Nezumi had. She does the nose booping game with me just like Nezumi did. She knew me and loved me from the first moment we met. I'm not saying they're the same person... but it certainly seems that way and my heart is eased when I listen to her loud purr, so healthy and strong.
(at thirteen weeks of age)
Or maybe.... just maybe... I am saying they are the same person. This little girl has so many of the same traits as the cat she never met. She even likes lettuce, which most cats don't. She likes the same flavors of food, dislikes the same forms and textures. Is curious about the same things. She plays the "Noseboop Game" with me. I tell her "welcome back" and she purrs and purrs.
(At a year of age)
She's different than Nezumi was, to be certain, a little wilder. But she still makes sure I go to bed and get up on time. Her brother, HIroshi, says "rrraaaaa" just like Orion did and likes to sit on my shoulder. They have a tight bond. I think they've both returned!