~ 🍀 Lucky Charms 🍀 ~ noticed your mane was looking a bit dirty and tangled, so she offered to groom it for you. You quickly declined, saying you'll take care of it later on your own. You still had a bald spot from the last time ~ 🍀 Lucky Charms 🍀 ~ cleaned you with their barbed tongue.
Breeding Attempts
1. 3/21/2019, 4 cubs, No gons
Changed ownership on 3/21/19
Name meaning: Lucky, Good
You went up to munch more on a carcass you started eating yesterday. As you bite in, a spider suddenly scurried out of a hole in it! You heard Nzuri cackle nearby. Thanks for the heart attack
As you pass by after typical greeting, Nzuri watches your butt carefully only to bite it and run away! Oww. (Ouch, my booty!)
You couldn't help but wonder why everyone seemed to be snickering at you today. Is there something on your face? Nzuri looks a little too innocent.
After instructing your lionesses to go out on a hunt, Nzuri walked up to you and looked offended at your inability to hunt your own meal. You explained that the females of the pride are the ones who kill prey and provide for the pride. Nzuri turns up her nose and struts away, muttering under her breath about "useless males" and "outdated societal norms". What?
You walk by the sleeping Nzuri unsuspectingly, when she sticks out one paw in front of yours. You trip and fall on your snout. Yikes!
2nd Breeding 4/10/19: 3 Cubs, No gons
3rd Breeding 4/29/19: 3-4 Cubs, No gons
4th Breeding 5/21/19: 3 Cubs, No gons
5th Breeding 6/??/19: 3 Cubs, No gons
6th Breeding 6/30/19: 3 Cubs, No gons
Final Breeding 8/14: 2 Cubs, No gons
Frozen at 15 years, 8/23/19
Level: 29, Stats: 1417
Pers: Mischievous
1013/1024 hunts