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" Warrior "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Cream Darker (White Skin) Slot 2: Steele Shell (62%) Tier 1
Slot 4: White Marbled Unders (48%) Tier 1
Slot 5: Marigold Inverted Zebra (46%) Tier 2
Slot 6: White Socks (59%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Kimanjano Lace (40%) Tier 5
Slot 8: Under White 4 (76%) Tier 0
Slot 10: Celestial Speckles (56%) Tier 3
Genetics Cream Medium Solid Common
Eyes Pink
Mane Type Heavy
Mane Color Penumbra
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Guernsey Lily [1]
Fancy Mouse [Banded Lilac Astrex]
Albino Serval
Pink Pigeon
This looks like a waste on a jellyfish but it's not Mintleaf is my first ever warrior cats oc ever since I was 8 (I'm older now) and I don't want to let her go :3

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