Berrywhisper is a Mauve lioness with Red Skin and White eyes. Her coat consists of Nimravus White, Spotting Light, Feline 6 Onyx, Onyx Cheetah Royal, Tangor Quarter Spotting, and Sunset Feralis. She is the daughter of Queen Moltenstar and Sunsetpelt and was born on March 20, 2019. Berrywhisper is a Mischievous lioness and often gets into trouble.
On March 25, 2019, she started her Cub Training. That same day, Moltenstar gave her an Albino Ball Python as a companion, as well as a Pied Kingfisher. On April 1, 2019, she started her training as a Huntress. On May 15, 2019, Moltenstar gave her a Red Variegated Astrex Fancy Mouse and a Screaming Rabbit Relic.
On May 22, 2019, she became a full Huntress of MysticPride, earning the name Berrywhisper. On May 28, 2019, she was bred to Ex-King Shatteredice (owned by User #86473) and gave birth to two cubs on May 31, 2019, however she decided on not keeping them. On June 6, 2019, she was assigned as Peachpaw's mentor.
On June 18, 2019, her first apprentice, Peachpaw, became a full Huntress, earning the name Peachwhisper. On June 20, 2019, she was bred to King Vigenere (owned by User #86473) and gave birth to two cubs on the same day after being given an Instant Birth Feather. She decided on only keeping one, a female she named Brightcub.
On June 29, 2019, she was assigned as Silverpaw’s mentor. On July 3, 2019, she was there when Moltenstar decided to retire. Berrywhisper approves of Moltenstar's choice in Heir and awaits to see how Coalstar will lead. On July 10, 2019, she was bred to Coalstar.
On July 11, 2019, her second apprentice, Silverpaw, became a full Huntress, earning the name Silverstreak. On July 13, 2019, she gave birth to four cubs, though she decided on not keeping them. That same day, she was assigned as Aspenpaw’s mentor. On September 1, 2019, her third apprentice, Aspenpaw, became a full Huntress, earning the name Aspenfall.
On September 16, 2019, she was assigned as Brindlepaw’s mentor. On September 22, 2019, she was bred to Coalstar and gave birth to two cubs on November 19, 2019, after being given an Instant Birth Feather. She decided on only keeping one, a female she named Chocolatecub.
On November 26, 2019, Berrywhisker’s fourth apprentice, Brindlepaw, became a full Huntress, but had to leave due to overcrowding. The next day, she was assigned as Cicadapaw’s mentor.
> The cub that Berrycub was chasing let out a startled cry and fell through a previously hidden hole in the ground, making it all too easy to catch her "prey". She looked far too innocent. +4% training experience! (5 months old)
> You shouldn’t have been surprised, but you were as you witnessed Berrycub's cunning nature come into play today in the form of patience as she stalked her prey all the way to success. +5% training experience! (6 months old)
> Feigning terror, Berrycub pointed behind you with a startled shout of "look out!" only to pounce on your tail while laughing like a maniac the moment you turned around to look. +6% training experience! (9 months old)