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"my first bred mutie"

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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 5 real life days.
Lion Stats
2204 / 13310 (16%)
Level 12
Strength 85 Speed 92
Stamina 96 Smarts 62
Agility 104 Skill 41
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 480
Lion Currents
Age 12 years, 2 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Romantic (Good)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 78.205128205128%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Castha (Deceased) Mother Juliette View Full Heritage
Last Bred 18 days ago Fertility Very Low (22%) View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Ivory (Brown Skin) Slot 1: Black Smoke (15%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Immolation Brindle (16%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Vitiligo 2 (60%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Cloudburst Mist (18%) Tier 3
Slot 5: Nacre Carving (100%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Prune Rugged Back (80%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Fiery Bottom (22%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Prune Rugged Face (80%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Onyx Zebra (22%) Tier 6
Slot 10: Prune Rugged Rump (80%) Tier 3
Genetics Cream Light Countershaded Special
Eyes Brown
Mane Type Scarce
Mane Color Green
Mutation Primal
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Romantic Waterfall

Rabbit Bone Chest Wrap
Rabbit Fluff Collar
Scar: Back Scratch
Scar: Muzzle
Rabbit Pelt Leg Wraps
Rabbit Fur Cloak
Stapelia Hirsuta Flower
Jewelry: Rough Ruby Shard Necklace
Helinus integrifolius
Reed Canary Grass [1]

Powder-Puff Tree
Exhausted Lover
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 112 Successful Hunts 111 Success Rate 99%

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