Cheetahfur is a Bronze lioness with Dark Brown Skin and Olive eyes. Her coat consists of Scoria Siamese, Sunset Siamese, and Onyx Cheetah Royal. She is the daughter of Ex-King Aniva, Looks Can Be Deceiving (owned by User #131368) and Smudge, Broodmother (owned by User #131368). She was brought to MysticPride on May 29, 2019, after Ex-Queen Moltenstar found her at the Giving Tree. Cheetahfur is a Calm lioness and likes to relax in the sun.
The day she arrived at MysticPride, she started her Cub Training. On May 30, 2019, Moltenstar gave her a White Self Astrex Fancy Mouse and a Smitten Primal Kitten as companions. On June 5, 2019’, she started her training as a Huntress. On June 17, 2019, she became a full Huntress of MysticPride, earning the name Cheetahfur.
On June 20, 2019, she was bred to Ex-King Vigenere (owned by User #86473) and gave birth to one cub on the same day after being given an Instant Birth Feather, though she decided against keeping it. On July 1, 2019, she was assigned as Firepaw’s mentor. On July 3, 2019, she was there when Moltenstar decided to retire. Cheetahfur approves of her choice in Heir and awaits to see how Coalstar will rule.
On July 13, 2019, she gave birth to one cub, though she decided on not keeping it. That same day, her first apprentice, Firepaw, became a full Huntress, earning the name Fireblast. On November 19, 2019, she was bred to Coalstar and gave birth to one cub on November 23, 2019, though she decided on not keeping it.
On November 26, 2019, she was assigned as Harepaw’s mentor.
> Cheetahcub waited a long time to pounce on anything, then put a lot of power into one great leap. +2% training experience! (5 months old)
> Cheetahcub kept a really nice pace today, but it seemed she simply wasn't going fast enough to keep up. (6 months old)
> Cheetahcub kept a really nice pace today, but it seemed she simply wasn't going fast enough to keep up. (7 months old)
> Cheetahcub loses interest in stalking her fellow cubs and goes to groom herself instead. (8 months old)
> It did look like fun, but Cheetahcub said that she wanted to watch. (9 months old)
> Cheetahcub waited a long time to pounce on anything, then put a lot of power into one great leap. +5% training experience! Also, whilst training, Cheetahcub found a(n) Eager Cub [Brown]! (10 months old)
> Cheetahcub proved that oftentimes, just keeping a steady pace really DOES win you the race! She left the other cubs behind when they got tired and slowed down. +5% training experience! (11 months old)
> You find Cheetahfur on an outcropping observing some other lions playing below with a gentle smile. (5 years and 4 months old)
> You find Cheetahfur on an outcropping observing some other lions playing below with a gentle smile. (6 years old)