It was a normal April day for Hyenastar. She watched her clan, and hunted down any fluffballs that managed to make their way into her lands. However it wasnt until a trade with the king Xiaco-Davren that the day took a turn. She had traded away two buffalo scrotums, one black stallion, both of her Yohimbe Barks, her Taste of Merlot base applicator, her lion scrotum as well as all 5 of her golden beetles for a fifth generation sha based immortal tigon! She was over the moon with the exchange, seeing as Petunia was the first hybrid her clan, and by extension she, had ever seen. Petunia was immediatly showered in affection and admiration by her new clanmates, and her new Queen. Seems Petunia finally had a new family that loved her.
While all the other members of your pride seemed to avoid the river near your lands, ♔.: Petunia :.♔ enjoyed swimming playfully for hours each day, always returning with sopping wet fur. You had to admit, it was pretty impressive to watch her dive under the water, and you could always admire a nice pair of strong muscles at work.
While you were trying to enjoy a nap, ♔.: Petunia :.♔ bounced around excitedly, asking you to take her on an adventure. You growled at her to let you sleep for a couple more hours, to which ♔.: Petunia :.♔ huffed and mumbled something about how lazy lions are. You would have batted at her, if you weren't so tired.
She's a good kid.
Fifth Generation Tigon
Appearance Changes: