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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Blazing (Burnt Skin) Slot 6: White Belly (100%) Tier 0
Slot 7: Under White 8 (100%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Mottled Stripes (100%) Tier 5

This lion has 2 markings hidden on the following slots:
12, 13
Genetics Red Light Countershaded Special
Eyes Dawn
Mane Type Scarce
Mane Color Nacarat
Mutation Tigon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
[D] Great Fires Background

Tigers Eye
Cubs Bred

Purchased from Maki ( #51724 ) on August 30, 2019 for 350 GB pure.
Erased all markings except the mottled stripes and added two.
Changed skin from "brown" to "burnt".

1st breed:
zebra heart used
opal saltlick used on Ashoka
buffalo scrotum used
IBF used
Bred to a quality pewter stud for a shot at the ember base

NO gons and NO embers!
3 normal dawn-eyed cubs, all female
-- 1 Anjeer
-- 1 Rosy Brown ( *sigh* )
-- 1 Steele ( at least you have mottled stripes! :D )

2nd breed:
opal saltlick used on Ashoka
buffalo scrotum used
IBF used
Bred to a beautiful pewter stud for a shot at the ember base

NO gons and NO embers!
3 normal, crappy dawn-eyed cubs, two males and an infertile female.
-- 1 Brass (f)
-- 1 Dikela (m)
-- 1 Rust (m)

-sigh- I am SO disappointed in you, you beautiful, expensive failure. D: D: -_- You are NOT going to live forever....WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE ME ANOTHER TIGON?! ;_;

3rd breed ( Halloween 2019 ):
opal saltlick used on Ashoka
ochre gnawrock used on Ashoka (mottled stripes)
buffalo scrotum used
IBF used
Bred to a beautiful pewter stud for a shot at the ember base

NO gons and NO embers! Seriously, girl, you are starting to really p*$$ me off. Three litters in a row and not a single tigon? For real? Everyone else's tigons have spit at LEAST one by the third litter, you useless hussy! Now I have to wait another 20 rollovers for your stupid cooldown because I'm too broke to buy 20 yohimbes. >_<
3 normal dawn-eyed-mottled-stripes cubs, two females and one male
-- 1 Dun (f)
-- 1 Palomino (f) [infertile]
-- 1 Anjeer (m) ( Of COURSE the most valuable one had to be male, of COURSE >:/ )

4th breed ( February 21, 2020 ):
opal saltlick used on Ashoka
buffalo scrotum used
IBF used
1 Yohimbe bark used
Bred to a beautiful pewter stud for a shot at the ember base

NO gons and NO embers!
3 normal female dawn-eyed cubs, one with mottled stripes

-- 1 Sterling (f) (mottled stripes) [infertile]
-- 1 Anjeer (f)
-- 1 Brass (f) [infertile]

*SIGH* What is this, I don't even.... >:/ You just don't want to cooperate with me do you, Ashoka? Just love them lions, won't go for need to be LOCKED UP. :(

5th breed ( March 19, 2020 ):
opal saltlick used on Ashoka
lion meat used
buffalo scrotum used
IBF used
Bred to a beautiful pewter stud for a shot at the ember base

3 dawn-eyed cubs, 2 female 1 male. 1 TIGON! :D The rest of the litter is total crap ( no mutations or embers ), but at least I finally got a tigon!!!! THANK YOU ASHOKA. IT'S ABOUT TIME! It only took you 5 litters. Better late than never I guess.

-- TIGON!!!! FINALLY! 1 Maltese (f)
-- 1 Black (m)
-- 1 Dusty (f) [infertile]

6th breed ( April 30, 2020 ):
buffalo scrotum used
IBF used
great tit used
Bred to a beautiful pewter stud for a shot at the ember base

NO GONS & NO Embers!
4 Female cubs:

-- 1 Sterling (Blue eyes)
-- 1 Mauve (Dawn eyes)
-- 1 Steele (Pink eyes) [Infertile]
-- 1 Maltese (Dawn eyes)

Not even any special markings. :( What a waste of Buffy balls and an IBF. Ashoka, you are disappoint.

7th breed ( July 4, 2020 ):
buffalo scrotum used
lion meat use
IBF used
Bred to a beautiful Arctic stud for a shot at the Pulsar base

NO GONS, & NO Pulsars!
4 cubs, 3 females and 1 male

-- 1 Rhubarb [f] (Peacock eyes) Arctic + Blazing = Rhubarb? Really weird! Nice-looking cub though.
-- 1 Sorrel [m] (Pink eyes)
-- 1 Sorrel [f] (Dawn eyes)
-- 1 Chartreux [f] (Pink eyes) [infertile]

Well, I didn't get what I wanted and my lion meat failed, but I could have done worse. 2 cubs are very pretty and one is okay-looking. That male is probably gonna end up foddered though. Seriously, Ashoka, you throw nice cubs my way so rarely. :( Another tigon would have been nice. Those buffy balls aren't cheap, you know.

8th breed ( August 17, 2020 ):
buffalo scrotum used
great tit used
opal saltlick used on stud ( galaxy eyes )
IBF used
Bred to a flint stud with Noctis Heavy Rosette for a shot at this marking and the ember base


NO GONS, NO rosettes, & NO Embers! :(
3 female cubs with galaxy eyes.

-- 1 Clear White [f] (galaxy eyes) // 2 markings. Kind of pretty: colors remind me of a white rose.
-- 1 Palomino [f] (galaxy eyes) // 1 marking. Basically a potato with pretty eyes. Yech.
-- 1 Tawny [f] (galaxy eyes) // 2 markings. Almost a potato like her palomino sister. Ugh.

Definitely one of my worst tigon litters, and it's Ashoka's very last! D: Grrugh! 8 buffy-balled litters totaling 26 cubs and just one of them β€” ONE β€” was a tigon!!!!!! :( Considering I've seen other tigon females produce 3 or 4 more tigons per breeding lifetime I know Ashoka could have done better; just rotten luck I guess. Really glad I kept the one tigon. As for the rest of Ashoka's cubs, some turned out OK but most were unremarkable and ended up foddered. As of writing this only 11 of Ashoka's 26 cubs are still in the game β€” just a bit less than half. I expect that all but maybe the clear white cub of this last litter will be foddered as well, bringing that number down even more.

Now I need to work on getting a frozen slot freed up and a jellyfish ready for Ashoka, who will always and forever have a place in my heart. <3


While you were trying to enjoy a nap, Ashoka bounced around excitedly, asking you to take her on an adventure. You growled at her to let you sleep for a couple more hours, to which Ashoka huffed and mumbled something about how lazy lions are. You would have batted at her, if you weren't so tired.

While all the other members of your pride seemed to avoid the river near your lands, Ashoka enjoyed swimming playfully for hours each day, always returning with sopping wet fur. You had to admit, it was pretty impressive to watch her dive under the water, and you could always admire a nice pair of strong muscles at work.


+++Born March 19, 2020++

++First tigon cub of Ashoka. Took 5 litters to breed her!++

\\1st Breeding (6/5/2020)//

- Used zebra heart on Samhain to bring her into her first heat
- Used 3 chastberries on Samhain to get her to 35% fertility
- Used lion meat on Samhain
- Used opal saltlick on the stud (Draconid Eyes)
- Used buffy balls
- Used IBF
- Bred to a mandarin dorsal fur stud w/mottled stripes


NO gons & or mutations of any sort. ( Lion meat, you failed me. )
NO mottled stripes.
3 Draconid-eyed cubs.

- 1 deira male w/ 8 markings
- 1 Mauve female w/ 8 markings
- 1 ducat female w/ 5 markings

Not the litter I was hoping for, but she could have done worse. They aren't bad looking and 2 have lots of marks. Also, neither female is infertile, which is a plus.

\\2nd breeding (08/17/2020)//

- Used 3 chastberries on Samhain to get her to 35% fertility
- Used opal saltlick on the stud (Draconid Eyes)
- Used buffy balls
- Used IBF
- Bred to an unholy patches stud w/mottled stripes


NO gons and NO muties! 3 female cubs with Draconid eyes.
1 mottled stripes.

- 1 auburn female w/ 4 markings
- 1 brass female w/ 7 markings ( mottled stripes @ 100%! )
- 1 mulberry female w/ 3 markings

This was extremely disappointing, especially since I bred her mother (Ashoka) the same day and got another tigon-less litter, making for only 1 tigon ( Samhain herself ) in a total of 10 litters ( all buffy-balled ) between the two ( 8 litters from Ashoka and 2 from Samhain so far ). This was Ashoka's last litter, meaning it's up to Samhain to give me tigons from now on. So far it's not looking good. Hope she gets her butt in gear and does better next breeding, because I can't keep providing buffies without selling a tigon cub at this rate. :(

Happily the mottled-stripes brass cub from this litter turned out awesome, so I base-changed her to Bast and will be keeping her to breed for temporal in October. :3

\\3rd breeding (09/14/2020)//

- Used 4 chastberries on Samhain to get her to 45% fertility
- Used Ochre gnawrock on stud ( mottled stripes )
- Used buffy balls
- Used Opal saltlick on stud ( Draconid eyes )
- Used Lion meat ( I think? )
- Used IBF
- Bred to PATCHES FISSURE Glass stud


NO tigons and NO mutations!
3 female cubs, ALL with Draconid eyes and mottled stripes!

- 1 isabel female w/ 7 markings
- 1 anjeer female w/ 5 markings
- 1 black female w/ 4 markings

Well, thanks to the opal saltlick and mottled stripes -- and the anjeer -- the litter isn't a total loss, but this is FAR from what I was hoping for. :( Good-dammit, Sammy, I NEED AT LEAST ONE TIGON!! YOU ARE NOT IMMORTAL AND YOU ARE EXPENSIVE AS HELL TO BREED!!! I didn't even a get a mutie, though to be fair I can't remember whether I actually lionmeated you or not, asdfmfghfkhg.

\\4th breeding (10/10/2020)//

- Used 2 chastberries on Samhain to get her to25% fertility
- Used buffy balls
- Used Opal saltlick on Samhain ( Fire Opal eyes )
- Used Lion meat
- Used IBF
- Bred to a beautiful DEMONIC FERUS stud


NO tigons and NO mutations!
3 cubs, 2 females and a male, all with Fire Opal eyes.

- 1 mulberry female w/ 5 markings
- 1 prune female w/ 5 markings
- 1 auburn male w/ 6 markings

UGH! TOTAL FAIL all the way around! Transferring you to my side until I can get another buffy need to be LOCKED UP. >:\

\\5th breeding (2/23/2021)//

- Used buffy balls
- Used Opal saltlick on stud( Draconian eyes )
- Used CRB
- Used Great Tit
- Used GMO cow
- Used IBF
- Bred to a beautiful SOLARIS PATCHES UNEVEN stud


NO TIGONS!!! >:/ 3 Draconid-eyed female cubs, 2 mutated.

- 1 hazelnut female w/ 6 markings|Draconid eyes|Mottled Stripes
- 1 caramel OVERGROWN TONGUE female w/ 4 markings|Draconid eyes
- 1 maroon MELANISM female w/ 4 markings|Draconid eyes

I like that I got some less-common muties, and at least the non-mutie has MS, but damn. That's 5 breedings now without a single tigon. And I can't get enough Y-barks to erase a cooldown and sneak an extra breeding in, so I have 3 chances left, if I used 2 Y-barks and breed at age 14.

Sooooooooo frustrating. :(

\\6th breeding (3/31/2021)//

- Used buffy balls
- Used Opal saltlick on Samhain
- Used Lion Meat
- Used IBF
- Bred to a beautiful GILDED FRAIL PIE stud w/ MOTTLED STRIPES


AGAIN NO TIGONS!!! >:/ That aside this WAS a good litter, with two beautiful XANTHIC girls ( which I may keep! ) and pretty cubs overall. 4 cubs, 3 females, 1 male, all with fire opal eyes and one with mottled stripes.

- 2 xanthic females|fire opal eyes eyes|; one female possesses MOTTLED STRIPES and 2 additional markings, both fiery; the other female possesses 6 markings including onyx shepherd and onyx dust
- 1 ginger male|fire opal eyes|6 markings
- 1 sienna female|fire opal eyes|6 markings

\\7th breeding (5/2/2021)//

- Used buffy balls
- Used Opal saltlick on the stud (Draconid Eyes)
- Used Lion Meat
- Used IBF
- Bred to a beautifulSOLARIS PATCHES UNEVEN stud w/ MOTTLED STRIPES & double rosettes

RESULTS - NO TIGONS AGAIN!!! Ugh! Just one more breeding left....I can't believe I have gone through SEVEN buffied litters with not even ONE tigon! What rotten luck! I got 3 Draconid-eyed females, one of them a FOLDED EARS, one an AMP ( later turned out to be ______ ), and one a total fodder.

1 cream [f]|2M|AMP ( later turned out to be overgrown claws ) ((Infertile))
1 dusty rose [f]|1M|Total potato fodder save the Draconid eyes ((infertile))
1 wild rose [f] FOLDED EARS|2M|

Fingers crossed for next time, my --last chance-- to continue Ashoka's line through tigons.

\\8th and final breeding (6/9/2021)//

- Used buffy balls
- Used Opal saltlick on the stud (Draconid Eyes)
- Used Lion Meat
- Used IBF
- Bred to a beautifulSOLARIS PATCHES UNEVEN stud w/ MOTTLED STRIPES & double rosettes
(Basically this was a repeat of the previous breeding)

RESULTS - NO TIGONS!!! Lionmeat failed. 4 female cubs with Draconid eyes, all unremarkable. *BIG SIGH* Well, that's it for my tigons for a while. I can't believe how unlucky I was: 16 heats and over 48 cubs ( thanks to using buffies every time ) from TWO tigons and all I managed to breed was ONE tigon. I love tigons to death but it's incredibly difficult to produce more tigons from them.

Made the ( probably unwise ) choice to buy a leopon cub the hard way, since I wasn't able to produce another tigon to sell or trade for one. If I get lucky and she gives me more pons I will trade/sell for another gon. For now, it's adios to breedable gons for this Liodener. *bows out*

1 russet [f]|3M|A bit on the potato side. I suspect she will be foddered.
1 savannah [f]|6M|Easily the prettiest cub in the litter with high percentages of onyx dust, blazing points, and onyx shepherd, but not pretty enough for me to keep.
1 ginger [f] |5M| ((Infertile)) Not -too- bad looking with high percentages of blazing points and onyx shepherd. Will probs be foddered though as she is infertile and would be a hassle to breed.
1 rust [f] | 2M| ((Infertile)) She almost certainly will be foddered. She isn't pretty enough for anyone to want the hassle of breeding her, I think.

Staying focused, Samhain ( WIP alterations ) ran after a grasshopper and was able to successfully catch it. Good cub! +5% training experience!

The stalking lesson today went well! Samhain ( WIP alterations ) was so proud of herself she started crying. At least it's happy tears? +7% training experience!

After throwing a bit of a tantrum earlier today, pouncing came easier when she put her anger into it! +3% training experience!

Unable to get to the top branch, Samhain felt she had failed the task and fell down in a heap of crying cub mess.

After instructing your lionesses to go out on a hunt, Samhain walked up to you and looked offended at your inability to hunt your own meal. You explained that the females of the pride are the ones who kill prey and provide for the pride. Samhain turns up her nose and struts away, muttering under her breath about "useless males" and "outdated societal norms". What?

++Arrived to a new Layer [October 19th, 2023]++

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