- Makora - (note. this bio includes stuff that is not realistic in the true lion world. Do not take all of this seriously. in this story, subordinate males can take females too.)
The mahogany red female crept through the undergrowth with the darker gray form beside her, both blue eyes shining in the darkness. So far the hog hadn’t noticed the two, pity prey animals weren’t more intelligent, it would have been much more than a simple bite and drag.
Nira jostled against her, the dove fur of hers silent against the prickly brambles as they waited for the perfect time to leap at the creature. Makora, however, was completely still. The younger lioness had lots to prove from the time she’d been taken into the pride of Osiris. She couldn’t mess this up.
A signal from Kosara, and they were ready. The lioness’ golden tail flicked up briefly like a grass blade in the savannah, but the warthog didn’t seem to notice it. It grunted, snuffling at the insect-filled ground. Makora glanced at her best friend, before wiggling her haunches.
Now it was Nira’s turn to give a loud snarl, shocking the warthog forward, and then the hunting party lunged forward. The pig gave an almighty squeal, before beginning to pound out of the clearing, toward a goose farm.
Nira gave an almighty curse, perhaps consisting of the words ‘fuck that shit’, and then leaped after the older lionesses. Makora was left behind in all the chaos, and then realised, charging after. Suddenly, white feathers lashed past her, and she found herself sinking her teeth instinctively into the bird’s skull, ending it quickly. Her surprised azure gaze flared as she dropped it, swiping her tongue across her jaws to clean the small amount of blood that had spurted forth. She saw the hunting party had managed to catch the hog without too many injuries.
Makora saw the gray blur out of her peripheral vision, before Nira stopped beside her. “Wow, my dude... a goose!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t know one actually panicked in all the chaos!”
“It just flew at me!” Makora answered bashfully, scraping a paw in the dust as she bent her head to grasp it by the neck. “Also.. stop being Nirah..”
“I can’t help it? We literally share the same name.” Nira chuckled, touching noses with Makora once she’d raised it up. “Are you tired?”
The russet female shrugged. “Not really. It was more a matter of snapping down than chasing.” she explained, her tufted tail lashing behind her. As Kosara and the others arrived, Makora was showered in praise for such a delicious catch. It wasn’t much, but it was a delicacy and extremely tasty.
Makora felt her eyes drift over to Nira again. A little sort of purr rumbled in her throat as she turned, meeting eyes with her. Nira’s ice and Makora’s azure. Two blues.
She sat in the centre of the clearing. The real centre of her king’s territory. The cave that stood in front of her was almost solemn without her best friend’s presence.
Nira was now resting in a place set for expecting or suckling lionesses, having been bred as she came into heat. To her it was almost odd- Osiris was the one that had adopted her- but nevertheless it was the lion way.
Her thin mahogany fur rustled as she sighed, spinning slowly to move toward where she wanted to go, and her face met fur. She stepped back to stare into the eyes of one of the two handsome subordinates of the pride.
Arda’s light violet-pink gaze seemed startled. “Oh. Sorry. I was just, y’know, looking in to see if I could find anyone to talk to. But, I dunno.. I guess you sort of appeared.”
Makora chuckled. “Yeah, I’m pretty low-cover, blending in.” She held a paw to the shaded brown dirt. “So, uh, anyways. How are you, then?”
The male seemed relieved to talk to someone. “I’m doing good. Osiris is commending me for going on so many patrols. I don’t bring back much apart from friendly rats and mice.”
“Mice and rats I see everyone in the pride appreciating.” Makora said. “I notice Osiris himself hanging around one of the white rats. The one you have around you likes you and essentially everyone else.”
Arda sighed. “So you noticed Nocturne.” he mumbled. As if on cue, the black fancy mouse popped out of his same-coloured mane. It squeaked a bit before clambering onto his shoulder.
The female grinned. “Don’t be so ashamed, he’s cute. I guess he just took a liking to you and started hanging around.”
“Ah, yeah. I didn’t even notice him until I got back. He’s sort of, well, curious? Suddenly I felt this sort of, paw thing on my back. It was a mouse. I almost shook it off. And then it squeaked at me, and it was very.. cute.” the young male admitted with a sigh. “I named him Nocturne because he’s black as night.”
“I think that’s a great thing to do! Make friends with mice. Has Kodian found any?” Makora asked, playfully bumping his chest.
Now this was a certain piece of knowledge for Arda. He shook his head firmly. “No. He’s only just grown into an adult, though..” He seemed downcast. “He’s so much more handsome and strong. All the lionesses love him.”
Makora frowned. “I don’t. I think he’s way too narcissistic.” At this, the pale and dark lion gave a snorting cackle.
“Well, thanks, Makora. Thanks for talking to me.” he laughed. She responded with a smile.