

Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 32 Speed 20
Stamina 34 Smarts 23
Agility 29 Skill 8
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 146
Lion Currents
Age 14 years, 7 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Sassy (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 96.794871794872%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Pecados (Deceased) Mother Nyx (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred 18 days ago Fertility Very Low View All Cubs Bred (2)
Appearance Markings
Base Dikela (Brown Skin) Slot 2: Hyena Stripes Scarce Black (39%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Vitiligo 1 (77%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Feline 2 Onyx (88%) Tier 2
Slot 7: Nimravus White (44%) Tier 6
Slot 8: Hyena Spots Scarce White (31%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Vitiligo 3 (46%) Tier 2
Genetics Black Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Blue
Mane Type Crested
Mane Color Bloodbourne
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 0 Successful Hunts 0 Success Rate 0%

Nuzleaf is a Dikela lioness with Brown skin and Blue eyes. Her coat consists of Hyena Stripes Scarce Black, Vitiligo 1, Feline 2 Onyx, Nimravous White, Hyena Spots Scarce White, and Vitiligo 3. She is the daughter of Ex-King Pecados (owned by User #152275) and Nyx and was born on November 25, 2019. Both of her parents are Muties, with both being Primal Feruses, though Nuzleaf herself is a normal lioness. She has a Sassy personality.

On November 26, 2019, Ex-King Hauntingstripes gave her a Black Baby Cub and Blue Diadem Butterflies as companions, as well as an Ankh Necklace and a Sparkling Opal Diadem to wear. On December 7, 2019, she started her training as a huntress and became a full huntress of SoulPride on December 19, 2019.

On December 27, 2019, she was there when Hauntingstripes decided to retire, leaving Silverstorm to replace him as King. The next day, she was bred to Silverstorm and gave birth to two cubs on December 31, 2019. She decided on only keeping one; a female she named Weaselpelt.

On January 20, 2020, she was bred to Silverstorm and gave birth to two cubs on January 23, 2020, though she decided on not keeping them. On February 14, 2020, she was bred to Silverstorm and gave birth to one cub on February 17, 2020, though she decided on not keeping it.

On March 13, 2020, she was bred to Silverstorm and gave birth to two cubs on the same day after being given an Instant Birth Feather, though she decided on not keeping them. On April 5, 2020, she was bred to Silverstorm and gave birth to one cub on the same day after being given an Instant Birth Feather, though she decided on not keeping it.

On April 23, 2020, she was there when Silverstorm suddenly retired, leaving Venom to replace him. On May 7, 2020, she was bred to Venom and gave birth to two cubs on the same day after being given an Instant Birth Feather. She decided on only keeping one cub, a female she named Houndour. On May 14, 2020, she retired from being a huntress.


“As you pace around your pride, you suddenly feel watched. You look behind you to spot Nuzleaf crouched in the grass, butt wiggling and ready to pounce!”
“You go up to take a nap with Nuzleaf. She jokes that if you start snoring, you may find some maggots in your nose. You lie awake next to her and wonder if she really meant that.”
“Nuzleaf pushes away another lioness trying to greet you, demanding you greet her first. Right now. After all, the fun does not start until she's around.”
“Tired from a long day of exploring, you flop next to Nuzleaf. She starts telling you an embarrassing story from a pride mate's cubhood. You're soon laughing too hard to be tired.”
“You go up to take a nap with Nuzleaf. She jokes that if you start snoring, you may find some maggots in your nose. You lie awake next to her and wonder if she really meant that.”
“Tired from a long day of exploring, you flop next to Nuzleaf. She starts telling you an embarrassing story from a pride mate's cubhood. You're soon laughing too hard to be tired.”
“On a morning stroll, you and Nuzleaf notice a bird nest, full of baby birds. She asks if she's the best chick around, and you better not say no.”
“On a morning stroll, you and Nuzleaf notice a bird nest, full of baby birds. She asks if she's the best chick around, and you better not say no.”
“Nuzleaf pushes away another lioness trying to greet you, demanding you greet her first. Right now. After all, the fun does not start until she's around.”
“You go up to take a nap with Nuzleaf. She jokes that if you start snoring, you may find some maggots in your nose. You lie awake next to her and wonder if she really meant that.”
“Tired from a long day of exploring, you flop next to Nuzleaf. She starts telling you an embarrassing story from a pride mate's cubhood. You're soon laughing too hard to be tired.”
“Nuzleaf pushes away another lioness trying to greet you, demanding you greet her first. Right now. After all, the fun does not start until she's around.”

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