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" Extra Limbs"

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This cub is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.
Appearance Markings
Base Spectre (Burnt Skin) Slot 2: White Inverted Brawl (100%) Tier 3
Slot 3: White Underfur (100%) Tier 1
Slot 4: White Blaze (100%) Tier 0
Slot 5: Cream Points (100%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Henna Zebra (47%) Tier 6
Slot 7: Maroon Sable (100%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Steele Back (100%) Tier 0
Slot 9: Feline 8 Noctis (100%) Tier 2
Slot 10: Onyx Dorsum (75%) Tier 1
Genetics Black Dark Solid Special
Eyes Mist
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Styx
Mutation Extra Limbs
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Spider Lair

Common Rain Spider
Darwin's Bark Spider
Spiderweb [Thick]
Spiderweb [Veil]
Ogre-Faced Spider
Spider-y Extra LimbsCustom Decor
Crawly Spiders
Spiderweb [Scarce]
Camel Spider
Born Saturday, Feb 15th, 2020!

Gender: Female
Father: Até
Mother: NCL

"Your lioness notices her Cub is different to all the others. She can't even count all the little legs! She's very worried but the cub curls up and suckles milk nicely"

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