
"Welcome to the Jungle"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Rhino (White Skin) Slot 2: Noctis Tail Carving (47%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Gregarious Glaze (100%) Tier 3
Slot 5: Cherry Reverse Vitiligo Mash (37%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Locust Ghost Feralis (75%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Under Cream 4 (23%) Tier 0
Slot 9: Feline 6 Elysian (50%) Tier 5
Slot 10: Under White 7 (34%) Tier 0
Slot 11: Feline 1 Ebony (32%) Tier 5
Slot 12: Ivory Vesture (33%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Medium Solid Special
Eyes Sunglow
Mane Type Barbary
Mane Color Korat
Mutation Tigon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
[D] Forest Thicket

Lab Test Frog
Leaf Bunting
Tigers Eye
Red Klattia
Foreground Dry Grass
[GE - India - Ganges Delta] Indian Python
African Crocus
Spring Gentian
Mossy Stones
Camouflaged Snake
White-Lipped Frog
Cape Dwarf Chameleon

[GE - India - Great Indian Desert] Khejri Tree

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