Belongs to Queen Sushi's Pride
(View Former Prides)

Frosted Mini Wheats


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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Russet (Tan Skin) Slot 1: Chatoyant Crackle (100%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Hyena Spots Scarce Dark Brown (100%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Chocolate Siamese (33%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Ruffian Panther (57%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Under White 4 (81%) Tier 0
Slot 10: Bone Rims (73%) Tier 2
Genetics Cream Dark Countershaded Uncommon
Eyes Olive
Mane Type Tsavo
Mane Color Russet
Mutation Dwarfism
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Rain Shelter

Leaf Bunting
Hare Bone Piercings
Dwarf Collar PinkCustom Decor
Creamy Graphium Butterfly
Rattling Bird
Impala Lily Flowers
Abyssinian Longclaw
Noble Swallowtail
Somali Thrush
Grey Foam-Nest Tree Frog
Banded Rubber Frog
Camouflaged Snake
Swynnerton's Reed Frog
African Violet Crown

Eared Vernonia
Purcell's Hunter Slug
Frosted Mini Wheats was not the most colorful lioness so she asked second leader, DarkFlame32, what she should do to change her look. DarkFlame32 told her that she was beautiful just the way she is but when she wasn't convinced, he helped her make a crown out of African violet flowers.

Complementing her new look, a pride mate gave her a weird pink line with a circle attached. When Frosted Mini Wheats asked her what it was, she said that it fell off a unique patterned wolf in the forest. Frosted Mini Wheats thanked her for the gift and once her pride mate helped her put it around her neck, she noticed that the ball made noise. Once Frosted Mini Wheats asked why the collar made noise, her pride mate laughed "You can't face the fact that your legs are to small to hunt with us so I thought I would give you something to encourage you to stop hunting. Good luck getting it off." The pride mate laughed and ran off as Frosted Mini Wheats frowned. How rude, maybe she'll have to tell what happened to the pride king.

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