oOo Encounter oOo
You can smell smoke in the air.
Tracing the scent, you come across a burning plains. Thick, dark smoke rises from the fiery grass, and a goddess frolics in the flames.
She spots you, her brown eyes shining in a way that sends a chill down your spine, despite the heat.
"Don't mind me," She says with a grin. "Your pride is safe." She tilts her head in thought. "Well, it is today anyway."
As you leave, you can feel her eyes on you, burning into you like hot coals.
oOo During The War oOo
"You should know better than to play with fire, sister." Called the voice of Xin, crackling and curling like the flames at her paws, but lacking any of the warmth. Her yellowed teeth were bared in a wicked grin as she stalked closer, grass burning and earth scorching under her every step. Her brown eyes reflected the light of her fire like liquid gold and danced with a twisted glee, lighting up and scattering sparks with her laughter. "Then never were the brightest."
"I can't believe you would join him, help him overthrow the King--our
father." Opame said, voice pained as she kept pace, always a few steps away and just out of claw reach. She had been learning. "We trusted you, we love you--"
"Love? Oh dear girl..." Her call descended into a growl. "You call that love? Perhaps it's time you step back and start thinking for yourself. You are a toy they play with, change at their will. Even your coat is not your own, but forced upon you by Jrian and father." She hissed, and the flames mirrored her, sinking low as she crouched. "You are being used."
"No Xin,
you are being used!" She snapped. "Your new leader is using you all--can't you see that is why father banished him?! He is cold, ruthless and will twist anything to get his way--even you!" Her tone became pleading and she lowered her head, looking up at her sister. "Please, Xin, there's still time. You can come know mother and I will defend you. We can figure something ou--
Sparks flew up in a cloud of light and smoke as Xin launched forward, swinging a flaming paw at her sister. In her anger, she attacked blindly and her temper flared, bringing her fire with it. The smell of burning flesh and fur filled the area, mixing with Opame's scream as the goddess of Life stumbled back, panting and eyes watering from the pain and betrayal. Something akin to regret stirred in Xin at that look, but she swiftly snuffed it out, standing tall and curling her lip in disgust.
"You are weak, Opame. And you will die a death so terrible, even mother won't be able to guide you back."
The words of her sister were a bit choked and watery as Xin walked away, but the soft sound reached her ears anyway.
".....I forgive you."
oOo Post-War oOo
Notable Children:
Briwen, goddess of Volcanos