Belongs to Vhagar's Pride
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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 9 real life days.
Lion Stats
21004 / 31790 (66%)
Level 18
Strength 116 Speed 109
Stamina 127 Smarts 84
Agility 97 Skill 89
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 622
Lion Currents
Age 9 years, 6 months old
Sex Female
Pose Evil
Stingy (Evil)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 57.692307692308%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Grouchy Face View Full Heritage
Last Bred 14 days ago Fertility Good (82%) View All Cubs Bred (3)
Appearance Markings
Base Zer (Marbled Skin) Slot 1: Brimstone Agouti (100%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Vitiligo 2 (58%) Tier 2
Slot 3: Scoundrel Feline (96%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Fiery Bottom (46%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Henna Paw Carving (36%) Tier 1
Slot 9: White Underfelt (48%) Tier 2
Slot 10: Gold Tail Carving (32%) Tier 1
Genetics Golden Light Solid Common
Eyes Pink
Mane Type Hellraiser
Mane Color Saffron
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Burning Blight

Event Scar: Burnt Fur
Event Scar: Turbulent
Scar: Face
Scar: Long Left Eye
Scar: Neck
Scar: Belly Scratch
Scar: Back Scratch
Scar: White Eye Right
Scar: White Eye Left
Scar: Muzzle
Scar: Nose Scratch
Scar: Short Left Eye
Scar: Short Right Eye
Scar: Tail
Scar: Shoulder
Scar: Hind Leg Right
Scar: Hind Leg Left
Body Paint: Ethereal Touch
Body Paint: Ethereal Vision
Burnt Lion Cub
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 303 Successful Hunts 302 Success Rate 99%

Even though it wasn't time to play, Vitani didn't want anyone near their toys, and would tussle anyone who came close. +6% training experience!

You ran up and greeted Vitani happily. Oops, you also knocked her over with your gleeful shoulder-nudge. Ah well, she just fell over giggling and flailing.

While Vitani wasn't running after her pridemate, at least she ran back to the den quickly. No one had stolen her spot. +7% training experience!

Grabbing everything in her teeth wasn't quite what anyone had in mind, but Vitani got better at pouncing. +4% training experience!

At first Vitani didn't want to climb, but then she saw a pretty feather, and who could say no to that? +4% training experience!

Vitani didn't want to climb because she found a cool feather, and the wind could take it before she got back.

After greeting each other, Vitani feels offended you did not give her enough attention and doesn't seem to be interested in you for the rest of the day.

You see Vitani hurriedly push a pile of leaves over a hole, but you get a glimpse of a huge pile of feathers hidden away.

Vitani stops eating her morning snack, a lizard, and snarls at you when you try to greet her, hiding the reptile between her paws.

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