Underneath a small outcrop of a cliff you find a mossy grove of tree's, amongst which a great many colourful herbs, flowers and other vegetation seems to be flourishing. The opening to a small cave can be seen in the distance with more dried herbs hung up on racks and arranged into purposeful bundles and a pungent but strangely sweet aroma fills the air.
"Heuh-hm!" Yelps a little voice from below you, and a small lioness emerges from underneath your field of vision startling you a bit. "Look at this mess!" the lioness begins "i spent all spring waiting for those to sprout and now you come along and trample them, you and your big paws!"
Beneath your paws lies what used to be an another plant or herb of some sort, now lying limp with a large paw print indented in the soil where it once grew. "I'm sorry I-" without letting you finish the lioness continues her ramblings gently gesturing you aside "all spring i wait, an now I'll have to start the process all over again" she mutters as she attends to her fallen plant, allowing you to take a better look at this rather upset stranger.
Upon first inspection she seemed to be rather unkempt. Her tusk headwear messily strapped to her head with feathers beads and other accessories hanging down from it, and peculiar fur which had grown a thin cover of moss. However the longer you spend studying her the more intriguing her appearance becomes. Sitting atop it all a little, startlingly green sunbird perches upon her headwrap seemed to be eyeing you as curiously as you are it.
"i hope you have very good excuse as to why you have wandered into my lovely new Imphepho" the lioness states, finished her rambling and now sitting upright staring at you. Realising you must have been staring you compose your self and try to come up with an excuse as to why you have crushed her clearly very important Imphepho plant but before you can utter a word the lioness begins talking again "oh my dear, look at that that wound, come here let me take a look at that" she exclaims inspecting the open claw gash on your shoulder, the irritation now gone from her voice.
She gently places her paw next to the wound to further inspect, her touch strangely soothing, you allow her to get closer. "I have just the thing for this" and with that she briskly leads you down a narrow path towards the small cave, your careful this time however not to step on any more of her prized plants.
She begins fuffling around her mixtures of herbs, mushrooms, and assortments taking a small amount of something here and there and placing it into a wooden bowl, the green little bird helping as she went. "hey um, I'm very sorry about your plant there, I wasn't paying attention I must've uh- got lost I was uh-" Without looking up from her work she simply states "Don't you be worried about that now, let's get you all fixed up" She brings you a fresh strong smelling paste of some sort and begins applying it your shoulder. Almost immediately you feel the results and you let out a sigh as the poultice soothes your pain. "Wow that feels amazing, I can't thank you enough uh-" you pause realising you have no idea of what to call this peculiar stranger. "ah how silly of me not to introduce myself my name is Elektra"
After conversing and drinking a concoction of tea, Elektra sends you on your way, excusing herself to go tend to her pharmacopoeia once more leaving you to find your way back to the rest of the pride feeling relaxed and refreshed.