Belongs to Σlio's Pride
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"The Prison Warden"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Your lioness has been flirted with 25 times! 14 have failed.
Appearance Markings
Base Augur (Black Skin) Slot 2: Under White 7 (100%) Tier 0
Slot 3: Black Dorsal Line (100%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Feralis Noctis (100%) Tier 6
Slot 8: Gregarious Brindle (33%) Tier 3

This lion has 3 markings hidden on the following slots:
11, 17, 18
Genetics Black Dark Countershaded Special
Eyes Hetero Blue & Green
Mane Type Royal
Mane Color Ice
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Flooding Gorge

Chain [Silver]
Demonic Fur Extensions
Dirty Crocodile
Rakshasa Teeth
Flopping Pindu
Krampus Tongue
Crown of Horns [Black]
Rising Water

Kopje Boulders [Behind]
Broadleaf Cattail
Why did we venture into the desert? Why couldn't we go back?!... Mother got swept into a sand-filled tornado... Father went to get food but hasn't come back... I'm getting hungrier, what do I do? Maybe I should find father, but he told me to stay in the cave! Little Jaco thought as she paced in the cave her father left her in. it had been 3 days, without a single sign that her father was still out there... typically it took a day or two for her father or mother to find food, but it was approaching the end of day 3 and she didn't get too eat much last time.
Jaco finally decided to wait till morning, maybe then her father would return... but if he didn't she'd go out and find him!
He never came home, and she should have never left the cave... Jaco, while out trying to find her father, got lost in the vast desert. No food, no water, and stuck in this heat, She felt like she was dying! Till the wind picked up, and the sky began to darken. Jaco looked up, a hopeful smile spreading across her face! Was it rain clouds?... The sky looked darker, but there wasn't a cloud in sight. Jaco's heart dropped when she looked behind her, seeing a massive sandstorm out in the distance. it was so large that it was obscuring the sun's intense gaze!
No No! I got to find shelter!! Jaco thought as she began to run as hard as her tired legs could... her eyes quickly scanned the horizon, but her heart sank even deeper as she realized there was nothing but sand all around her...
Where are the rocks! the caves!! WHY IS THIS DESERT EMPTY!! her voice screamed in her head. She knew if she stopped she could die, but if she couldn't find shelter before it reached her... she'd still die. Tears began to run down her face, as her fear of fast-approaching doom kept her running. it was all she could do...
Eventually, the sandstorm caught up to Jaco drowning her within its sand-filled maw. is this the end? will I end up like mom? ripped to shreds and thrown across the desert? It hurts to breathe, to move...
as Jaco passed out from the pain and lack of oxygen, the storm finally settled leaving Jaco barely alive in a pile of sand.

Jaco's eyes suddenly shot open, feeling a sharp prod in her side. Her vision was blurry but she could barely make out the shape of a male lion standing over her. Father?!
Jaco thought for a second that she was dead and with her father, till she began to feel the pain all over... She couldn't cry anymore and she tried to move, but she was far too weak to even lift a toe...
"P-please... H-help... me!" Jaco barely mewed before coughing up sand and blood... To her surprise, the mystery lion picked Jaco up by the scruff and began to take her somewhere. He wasn't rough, in fact, he was quite gentle with Jaco. Jaco closed her eyes once more, wanting to reserve her energy for whatever this lion was going to do with her... Her fate was in his paws now.
Jaco thought the worst was going to come, but instead, she was laid down in a shallow pool of water. It felt so amazing to finally feel something cool against her burning skin. Am I going to make it? Jaco hopefully thought before coughing up more sand and blood. No... I am still dying... Jaco curled into a ball waiting for death to claim her. it was seemed nice to die with the cold water licking at her fur... Peaceful even, especially with most of her pain being subdued with the cool water.
"Father my medicine can't heal her internal injuries!! You have to do something! She's dying still!!!" a Lioness whined. It's alright... I'll be able to be with mom soon... thank you for trying to save me. Jaco thought as she began to hear all the voices around her. Sounded like a pride of lions, based on all the talking...
"ENOUGH! If she can survive a sandstorm then she can survive this!" a male lion roared. Jaco smiled at the male's statement and opened one eye just in time to see him, surrounded by shimmering blue lights, place a strange object onto her side.
within seconds of the object touching her fur, Jaco's body filled with agonizing pain. It was like her body was being pulled apart piece by tiny piece!! "SSSss-STOP!!! IT HURTS!!!" Jaco wailed as she clawed at the muddy earth beneath her.
"No! You must push past the pain young one! AND SURVIVE!!" The male snarled and roared into Jaco's face.
What did he mean? how could she do it! She barely survived the desert storm!...
Wait.. I-I survived a raging storm! I survived for days without food and water! I survived the pain of losing my mother then my father!!! This new pain won't stop me! Jaco thought as she fought to sit up through the pain. It was absolutely agonizing! Worse than the sandstorm, but she pushed through it.
When it finally stopped Jaco fell down with a tiny splash. All the pain was gone, she could finally breathe! After several long breaths of fresh air, she looked up to see the mighty male lion who had saved her. He was like nothing she had ever seen! Purple, blue, and sunset colors coated the male's pelt, Large fangs protruded from his smile, and a dim glow came from his bluish eyes.
"Well done, you survived once again... do you have a name little one?" the male purred. Jaco didn't answer right away, for she noticed strange teeth obstructed her lips, and her head felt really heavy! "zz-zz--J...Jaco" she struggled to blurt out. The male chuckled before grabbing Jaco's scruff and lifting her to her paws. "Jaco? what a lovely name." he purred in response making Jaco smile.
"I am Elio, God King of this Oasis... your new home." He added gesturing to the vast plant life all around them! it was beautiful and so much better than the endless desert!! "Wow... yoo szure? Yoo'll let me life-here?!" Jaco's obstructed statement made the male laugh. "Of course, I didn't save you just to throw you back into the desert!"


If She is given fruit she will turn into a young cub! (Old lore not true)

You grin at Jaco-Cuckoo and asked if she found out where the wildebeests were moving to, like you asked her to yesterday. Her greeting faltered and she looked guilty. Oh, she forgot. Again.

Cub appears to be in complete zoomie-mode. You chew on a bone and have fun watching them randomly run from one bush to another, their eyes huge.

Jaco-Cuckoo's ears perk slightly, but she does not acknowledge you as you approach, as she is snoozing.

Cream Luster (Slot 11), Maofelis Lilac (Slot 17), Leg Banding Mahogany (Slot 18).

Memory Used: 693.70 KB - Queries: 20 - Query Time: 0.00768 - Total Time: 0.01450s