Belongs to ★ meatball ★'s Pride
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"First ever Lioness."

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Sunflower (White Skin) Slot 9: Black Back Hair (43%) Tier 0
Genetics Golden Medium Countershaded Common
Eyes Yellow
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Dove Gray
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Front Leg Left
Scar: Hind Leg Right
Scar: Short Right Eye
Her relationship with her sister was great, she always talked to Frostkit. Her relationship with her sister was going badly, she ignored Bouncekit. Shellmoon was sympathetic to her, while Flamestep was nurturing. Sunkit was close to both of her parents. Sunkit was in the middle of her kithood when her father, Shellmoon encountered a fox and was slain in the battle. Sunkit missed her father but coped quite well. During a snowstorm, Flamestep went out of the camp to hunt. The blizzard soon became even worse while she was out of the camp. Once it ended, her body was found by the river, frozen to death. His death affected Sunkit deeply, and she was overwhelmed with grief for a long time. After Rainkit's sister died, Sunkit was there to comfort her. They became friends and vented a lot to each other. During her kithood, Sunkit loved playing moss-ball with the other kits in the nursery. Sunkit reached the age of an apprentice and became Sunpaw. She recieved Russetface as her mentor. She was strict, but always had Sunpaw's best interests in mind. Russetface mostly focused on tracking while somewhat neglecting climbing. Sunpaw and Rainpaw slowly drifted away during their apprenticeship as they became busy with their work and their friendship fell apart. One day she became a warrior and was named SunShade, but after the death of the old leader and the birth of a evil one, she left the pride, hoping to find another one, then she met FlameBringer, who invited her into his pride where she is now.

You woke up and found a little bird snack waiting in front of your nose. SunShade is resting nearby, with a little smile on her face.

Died on: 2021-06-13

Brang back to life on: 2021-06-20

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